Week 4 Flashcards
Lecture 4 New technologies and social change. The concept of social change. Sociologists view social change. Genesis and development of technological underpinnings of social change. Perspectives on social change. Technology and society. Technology as vehicles of social change. Technology as vehicles for economic development. The role of technology in the information society
According to Vago four categories of the theory of social change:
- evolutionary theories,
- conflict theories,
- social psychological theories
- and structural-functional theories of change
What it is society?
is a complex network of relationships in which all members participate to varying degrees.
What it is social change?
situations reflect such factors as the introduction of new techniques, new innovations, ideas, and social values. Thus social change entails modifications in the way people work, raise a family, educate their children, discipline them and seek ultimate meaning in life. Social change is usually viewed as involving some kind of change in the size of society, its composition in the balance of its parts or in the character of its organizations.
What is the concept of social change according to Hans Gerth and Wright Mills theory?
social change is whatever may happen over the course of time with respect to social roles institutions and orders or regarding the use structure, emergence, growth, and decline.
Gerth and Mills believed this promised: “a view of man as an actor in historic crises, and of man as a whole entity.” It was a general view of institutions and social structures and how they are related to persons.
Technology in social changes:
As discussed earlier, technological change is naturally disruptive. While it challenges traditional boundaries and institutions, it can also be used to build a better world as technologies shape social, economic, and political life. New technologies are leading to important changes in every aspect of human activity.
What is the concept of social change according to Alan and Davies theory?
point out that social change not only involves a change in the structure of society but also in its functioning. In this case, the meaning of social change is limited to such alternation as a cure in social organization. That is the structure and functions of society.
What is the concept of social change according to Mikeaver and Peggy?
link the concept of social change with the concept of social relations. In this case, social change concerns changes in the ways in which human beings relate to each other. We can also come across definitions that try to combine two or more elements mentioned before. Hence, in the present case, social change will be defined as a change in the structure and functioning of social relationships in a society.
What is the Vagos interpretation of social change?
Social change here will be understood as a process of planned or unplanned qualitative or quantitative alternation in social phenomena. From this perspective, the process of social change is defined as a continuum that can be analyzed by several interrelated variables,
i. e:
- the identity of change,
- the level of change,
- the duration of change, —– the magnitude of change – and the rate of change.
What it is the identity of change?
By identity of change Vago means a specific social phenomenon undergoing the transformation. This can be a specific practice, behavior, attitude, pattern of interaction, authority structure etc.
What it is the level of change?
Level of change refers to the layer of a social system at which change is taking place i.e.
- whether it is taking place e.i:
- at the individual level
- at the group level,
- at the level of an organization
- at the level of an institution
- or at the level of society,
What it is the duration of change?
The duration of change refers to how long a particular form of change lasts after it has been accepted or to put it slightly differently how long this change will be sustained after it is accepted at any level of the social system without major modification or replacement.
What it is magnitude of change?
the magnitude of change refers to the extent to which a social phenomena that phenomenon is altered. It can be based on a three-part scheme of incremental or marginal, comprehensive and revolutionary change.
What it is the rate of change
According to Vega the rate of change may be based on an arbitrary scale such as fast or slow, continues or spasmodic orderly or erratic
What it is the individual level ?
At the individual level we can talk about changes in attitudes, beliefs, aspirations and motivations.
What it is the group level?
At the group level we might consider changes in the types of interaction, patterns, in communication methods of conflict resolutions, cohesion and unity competition and acceptance and rejection patterns.
What it is the level of organization?
At the level of organization, the scope of change would include alternations in the structure and functions of organizations. Changes in the hierarchy, communication, role relationships, productivity, recruitment and socialization patterns.
What it is the level of institutional level?
At the institutional level change may include alteration in marriage and family patterns, in education and religious practices.
What it is the level of social (society) change?
At the level of social change may involve some kind of modification in social stratification or in economic or political systems.