Week 4 Flashcards
What age group would you expect to start relaying stories?
Preschool (ages 3-5)
At what age would you expect children to start playing cooperatively with others?
Ages 3-5/preschool
What age would you expect a child to hop on one foot?
What age would you expect a child to skip?
What age would you expect a child to ride a tricycle?
What age would you expect a child to go up the stairs with alternating feet?
What age would you expect a child to balance on one foot?
What age would you expect a child to ride a two wheeler?
What age would you expect a child to print his name?
What age would you expect a child to copy a square?
What age would you expect a child to copy a circle?
What age would you expect a child to use scissors and chopsticks?
What age would you expect a child to use buttons and zippers?
What age would you expect a child to copy a triangle?
What age would you expect a child to start to tie shoelaces?
At what age do you start formally measuring cognition? How is it assessed?
4.5 years… Observed through play or language
Ie symbolic thought and play (block represents truck), reasoning based on perceptions (not using logic or deductive thinking), thoughts are ego centric (unable to view events from another’s perspective)
What age would you expect a child to use 2 word phrases?
What age would you expect a child to ask and answer questions?
What age would you expect a child to use full name and know gender?
Between 3-4
What age would you expect a child to tell stories about what happened in the day?
What age would you expect a child to understand and answer W questions?
Have a vocabulary of about 200 words?
What age would you expect a child to Understand 3 part instructions?
What age would you expect a child to understand 2 part instructions?
What age would you expect a child to define simple words, and use 5 word sentences?
What age would you expect a child to have about a 2700 word vocabulary?
What age would you expect a child to start developing early grammar?
What age would you expect a child to have speech that is 75-100% intelligible to strangers?
What age would you expect a child to use 3 word phrases?
What age would you expect a child to understand 4 part instructions?
What age would you expect a child to understand prepositions?
What are red flags at 3 months?
Not coping
What are red flags at 12 months?
Doesn’t respond to own name
Not saying da da or ma ma
What are red flags at 18 months?
No words
No pointing
No imaginary play
What are red flags at 24 months?
Not talking
Sparse vocabulary
Frustrated with communication abilities–can cause tantrums
What are red flags at 3 years?
Not talking in sentences
Disinterested in listening to a story does not follow directions
What are red flags at 4 years?
Not relating events or stories
Speech is not understood by strangers
Cannot use language to tell stories
What are red flags at 5 years?
Can’t tell beginning/middle/end of story
Poor grammar in sentences
regarding play
when do children start to pretend, and play with dolls?
18-22 months
regarding play
when do children start to pretend play with dollhouse and miniature toys?
3.5 years
regarding play
when do children start to plan sequences of pretend events?
5 years
regarding play
when do children start to play house?
2 years
regarding play
when do children start to organize objects and other children?
5 years
the following are language red flags… at what age would you start to be concerned by the lack of the following?
- no babbling, gesturing?
- no single words/two word phrases or odd/repetitive words?
- loss of social or language skills?
- 12 months
- 18 months
- at any age this is a red flag
what are some red flags re: social communication?
reduced eye gage and shared attention
reduced sharing of emotion
reduced social and reciprocal smiling
reduced social interest and enjoyment
cant coordinate different modes of communication
at what age would a child develop a mature tripod grasp of a pencil?
at what age would a child be able to tie his shoelaces?
at what age would a child have efficient printing?
at what age would a child be able to cut along a line?
at what age would a child draw a man with 2D arms and legs?
at what age would a child have legible printing?
7 (and rarely reverses letters)
when do kids develop competitiveness?
age 6
when do kids skip with alternating feet?
age 5
at what age would a child kick a ball and walk up and down stairs?
at what age would a child define words?
at what age would a child understand the concepts of yesterday and tomorrow?
at what age would a child be able to count, and understand opposites?
at what age would a child be able to use a spoon well with only little spilling?
at what age would a child be able to put on their own t shirt?
at what age would a child brush teeth and dress without help?
at what age would a child stack 8 blocks, wiggle thumb and copy O?
at what age would a child copy and draw a person with 3 parts?
at what age would a child be able to balance on each foot for 6 seconds?
at what age would a child draw a person with 6 parts?
at what age would a child understand right and left?
at what age would a child understand adjectives?
at what age would a child understand the concept of today?
at what age would a child point to pictures and know body parts?
at what age would a child start to help to dress themselves?
when does a boys voice break?
when does a boy develop facial hair?
around 14