Week 4 Flashcards
Difference between exact function and interpolation polynomial
Intermediate Value Theorem
For any C1 function which vanishes at A and B
There is at least one point inside [A,B] where it’s derivative vanishes
Theorem of error of polynomial interpolation
Error on a mesh
Introducing q(y) which is equal to zero for N + 2 points y = x0,…,x N and x
Apply derivative N times (at each point a zero vanishes) then by IVT q(N+1(y) vanishes at some ζ € [a,b]
Then for y = ζ we get
r(x) = (f(N+1)(ζ))/(N+1)!
See pg 39 LN
Interpolation error estimation error function
Where ζ is some point
Approximate 1/(1+x)
~ 1 - x + x^2 - x^3 + O(x^4)
Break down components of approximation of f’(x)
Consequence of machine error for approximation of f’(x)
O(ε/h) therefore choosing small h causes machine error to grow
Explain this graph
You are decreasing h along x axis which is causing method error to decrease (inversely) on y
After certain h, machine error starts to increase overall error hence jagged line as machine error is random
How to choose h for numerical differentiation to minimise error? Why?
We want machine error to (roughly) equal method error
O(h) ~ O(ε/h)
O(h2) ~ O(ε)
O(h) ~ O(sqrt(ε))
Now order of ε is 10-16 in Py
=> h = 10-8
Central difference approximation
How to find method error for central difference approximation
General formula for order of overalll error given method error
As this is bounded by ε, this shows you can’t get rid of machine error
Importance of Chebyshev Points
Chebyshev polynomials and are used to minimize the problem of Runge’s phenomenon in polynomial interpolation. Here’s a detailed explanation:
-polynomial interpolation, especially with high-degree polynomials, a phenomenon known as Runge’s phenomenon can occur. This is where large oscillations appear at the edges of the interval of interpolation, leading to poor approximations outside a specific set of points.
What are chebyshev polynomials
Chebyshev polynomials are a sequence of orthogonal polynomials that arise in various approximation problems. They are defined over the interval [-1,1]
What are chebyshev nodes
Chebyshev nodes of the first kind for a polynomial of degree are typically defined as the roots of the Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind, . These nodes are calculated using the formula:
These points are spaced more densely near the ends of the interval and are more sparse near the middle.
Which assumption is required for Taylor expansion
Function is sufficiently smooth
Taylor expansion of f(x+h), f(x-h), f(x+2h)
Taylor expansion of first deriv (central difference)
For small h (less than 1)
Numerical evaluation of approximation of first derivative
Find optimal h for O(ε/h)
Let ε = uh + vε/h
Find minimum wrt h
Which is obtained at:
u - vε/h2 = 0
=> h = sqrt((εv)/u) = O(sqrt(ε))
Which is often 10-8