Week 4 Flashcards
what is a bucket sort?
- it uses keys as indices of a bucket B that has entries within an integer range [0,1,…N-1]
- so it has size |N|
- inially all items from the input sequence are moved to appropriate buckets, so an item with key K is moved to bucket B[k]
- Then move all items back into the sequence according to their order of appearance in consecutive buckets B[0], B[1],… B[N-1]
What is the time complexity of a bucket sort?
- we have a for loop to run through every element which is O(n)
- and then for each of the buckets we remove every item so this is O(N+n)
What is a radix sort?
- A radix sort uses bucket sorts with columns
- Can use it to order/compare words or fixed length numbers
- Can start from either the most or least significant bit, going column by column
- so on the first column, it compares the first bit of each item by doing a bucket sort, it then moves onto the next column if the items are equal
What is the time complexity of a radix sort
d is the number of columns it has to perform a bucket sort on, so the time complexity = O(d*(N+n))
How do we perform a radix sort on words of uneven length?
We make the words equal length by introducing a dummy character, that doesn’t belong to the alphabet, repeatedly for each extra character to make them equal length, then we can compare them.
- we class the dummy character as smaller than any letter in the alphabet (since it’s an empty space) so at_ _ will always be smaller than ata_
When is a sorting algorithm described as stable?
If it is order preserving
- so if there’s a tie on the ith column, then the original order of the two elements remains unchanged
Why does choosing to go from left to right (MSB) or right to left (LSB) make a difference in Radix sorting?
Depending on what you’re sorting, it could mean it sorts it into the wrong order
- for example since we read words from left to right, we have to compare them using the leftmost or most significant bit
- but since we ready binary numbers from the left, we need to compare them using the rightmost bit or least significant bit
- otherwise the comparison would be wrong!
If we have integers of 6 digits and 4 digits long, and we perform a radix sort, what is the value of d?
- the value of d = 6, since we have to make the numbers the same length (by padding the 4 digit number with two dummy characters), so we have to compare 6 columns
What type of algorithm is a merge sort?
A divide and conquer algorithm
What type of algorithm is a quicksort?
- It’s similar to a divide and conquer accept that it doesn’t divide the problem into equal size subproblems
- with the randomised pivot, it aims to divide them into roughly equal sized problems
What is the general outline for using the divide and conquer method?
- divide: if the input is small, directly solve (use a base case), otherwise divide input into smaller disjoint sets
- recur: recursively solve the associated subproblems (that use disjoint sets)
- conquer: take solutions of subproblems and merge them into a solution for the original problem
How do we analyse the running time of a divide and conquer algorithm?
we use a recurrence relation T(n) which denotes running time based on input size n
What is the recurrence relation we use to characterise running time of a merge sort?
T(n) = {c if n < 2, 2T(n/2)+cn if otherwise}
- since if the list is smaller than 2, we know if the item is found or not, else wise keep dividing the list cn and doing the comparison - n
What is a recurrence relation?
An equation that defines a sequence based on a rule that gives the next term as a function of the previous terms
What is the recurrence relation for a binary search?
- T(n) = {c if n < 2, T(n/2) + c}
where c is the time to find the midpoint of the list and do the comparison - each time we halve our data we add a constant c
- if we only have one element in the list it takes constant time to check if it’s the item we want
What is the substitution method?
one method of solving a divide and conquer recurrence equation is to use the iterative substitution method, called plug and chug
Why can we replace the 2*T(n/2^i) in a recurrence relation?
Since we know that T(n/2^i) = 1 so we can exchange it for c since T(n) = c when n < 2
What is a general equation for a recurrence relation if we were to guess it
T(n) = {c if n <= d, a*T(n/b)+f(n) if n > d}
What conclusions about the asymptotic form of T(n) can we draw from T(n) = {c if n <= d, a*T(n/b)+f(n) if n > d}?
- If f(n) is smaller than n^logb(a) then the first term is going to dominate the sum, so T(n) = Θ(n^logb(a)
- If n^logb(a) is smaller that f(n) is going to dominate the sum, so T(n) = f(n)
what is case 1 of the master method?
where e > 0, if f(n) is O(n^logn(a-e)) then T(n) = Θ(n^logb(a))
what is case 2 of the master method?
if f(n) is Θ(n^logb(a)log^k(n)) then T(n) = Θ(n^logb(a)log^k+1(n))
what is case 3 of the master method?
e > 0 and k < 1, if f(n) is Ω(n^logb(a+e)) where af(n/b) <= kf(n/b) and n >= d then T(n) = Θ(f(n))
How can we change the recurrence 2T(n^1/2) + logn into a form that allows us to use the master method?
- T(n) = 2T(n^1/2) + logn
- introduce k = logn
- T(n) - T(2^k) = 2T(2^k/2) + k
- substitute this into new function S(k) = T(2^k) =
- S(k) = 2S(k/2) + k
What is it called when we have to introduce a new function S using substitution to get the recurrence relation into the correct form to use the master method?
A variable change
What is the problem size of multiplying two numbers with n digits each? and what is the naive time complexity of calculating this?
It will be n because they each have that many digits
- time complexity is O(n^2)
Why can we assume that the number of bits n used to represent two integers being multiplied together is a power of 2?
- If they’re not, we can just pad with 0’s to make them a power of 2 number of digits
- and padding with 0’s doesn’t change the problem size
Why is multiplying an integer by a power of 2 easy to perform by a computer?
Because it’s simply just a shift operation (so shifting the bits left by 1 means multiply by 2)
- so multiplying by 2^k takes O(k) time which is better than O(n^2) time
Strassen’s Algorithm
Strassen realised matrix multiplication can be done using divide and conquer using a smaller number of multiplications, it uses 7 matrix products instead of 8