week 35 Flashcards
What is v and x called if you put them in boxes? (should have a better question for this…)
v is a tick and x is a cross
What is vocational college?
Fagskole tror jeg
What is off-licence?
a shop that sells mainly alcoholic drinks to be taken away and drunk at home
Hva er den engelske forkortelsen for EØS?
The English abbriviation is EEA (European Economic Area)
Crude oil
oil from underground that has not yet been made into other products
If it says PTO at the bottom of a page what does it mean?
Please turn over (page)
Explain ripple effect
a situation in which one event produces effects which spread and produce further effects
What is the opposite of postpone?
Hva kalles en pendler på engelsk?
It is called a commuter
Hva kan du si for på grunn av på engelsk? (Hint:4)
- Due to
- Because of
- Owing to
- On account
What is the oppsite of criticism
It is praise
Hva er en kokebok på engelsk?
A cookery book
Explain tape measure and a ruler
Tape measure
- a strip of plastic or metal used for measuring that can be rolled up when not being used
A ruler
- a long, narrow, flat piece of plastic, metal, or wood with straight edges where centimetres or inches, or both are printed. It is used for measuring things and for drawing straight lines.
Ask Mr.Nelson about safety measures
What does it mean to deceive?
to persuade someone that something false is the truth, or to keep the truth hidden from someone for your own advantage