Week 3- Release Exterior with Interior Excess Flashcards
Shao Yang & Yang Ming syndromes
Da Chai Hu Tang
(Major Bupleurum Decoction)
B Formula
Alternating fever and chills, fullness in the chest and hypochondriac, continuous vommiting, slight irritability, fullness and pain or oppression and hardness int he epigastrium, constipation, burning diarrhea
Da Chai Hu Tang
(Major Bupleurum Decoction)
B Formula
exterior wind heat disorders with interior excess heat
Fang Feng Tong Sheng San
(Saposhnikovia Powder that Sagely Unblocks)
high fever & severe chills. Headache, dizziness, red sore eyes, dry and bitter taste in mouth, sore throat, dissension and stifling sensation in the chest and diaphragm, cough & wheeze, vomiting, thick & sticky nasal discharge and saliva, constipation, dark & scanty urine
Fang Feng Tong Sheng San
(Saposhnikovia Powder that Sagely Unblocks)
exterior heat sinks into the interior yang ming channel
Ge Gen Huang Qin Huang Lian Tang
(Kudzu, Scutellaria, Coptis Decoction)
B Formula
fever, sweating, thirst, dysenteric diarrhea characterized by especially foul-smelling stools and burning sensation around the anus, a sensation or irritability and heat sensation in the chest and epigastrium and wheezing
Ge Gen Huang Qin Huang Lian Tang
(Kudzu, Scutellaria, Coptis Decoction)
B Formula
exterior wind cold with internal injury due to cold syndrome
-interior and exterior cold
Wu Ji San
(Five Accumulation Powder)
fever and chills, no seating, headache, body aches, stiff neck and back, full sensation in the chest and abdomen, nausea and aversion to food, vomiting, abdominal pain and cold, diarrhea and borborygmus
Wu Ji San
(Five Accumulation Powder)