week 3 recap- water, membranes, glycolysis and kerbs and diet Flashcards
names of vitamins:
vitamin a- retinol
vitamin B2 - riboflavin
vitamin C- ascorbic acid
vitamin D- calciferol
vitamin E- tocopherol
omega 3- alpha-linolenic acid
link to nhs websoite with more vitamins- expected to know
to work out base metabolic rate
1 kcal/kg/hour (times weight by hours by 1)
rate limiting step in Krebs cycle
from isocitrate to alpha-ketoglutarate is rate limiting (isocitrate dehydrogenase)
rate limiting enzyme in glycolysis
what is a kinase
enzyme that move phopshate groups
components of sucrose and lactose
sucrose- fructose, glucose
lactose- glucose and galactose
protein requirment
protein requirement: 0.8g/kg a day
mass of storage of excess energy e.g. fat, carbihydrate and protein and where they’re stored
- fat- adipose (only 15% water), 15kg of triglycerides
- carbohydrate- as glycogen in liver and muscle, can store 200g in liver, can store 150g muscle
- protein- muscle (80% water), 6kg in muscle
values of kcal/g for each
values for typical 70kg man:
carbohydrate- 4kcal/g
protein- 4kcal/g
alcohol- 7kcal/g (8g in 1 unit of alcohol)
lipids- 9 kcal/g
what increases BMR
basal metabolic rate lowers:
- age
- sex
- dieting/starvation
- hypothyroidism
- decreased muscle mass (less of you so need less energy needed)
What increases BMR
basal metabolic rate increases:
- high BMI (more of you so more energy needed)
- hyperthyroidism
- low ambient temperature
- fever/infection/chronic disease
- caffeione (stimulant)
is spleen endocrineis skin endocrine?
yes, produces vitamin D (is a hormone)
name the endocrine organs and other organs that have endocrine function?
hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas, adrenal, ovary, testis
endrocrine funtion: skin, heart, gut
vitamnin C- scientififc names, where found and uses
vit C (ascorbic acid) found in fresh (not cooked) fruit and veg, used in collagen syntheiss, improves iron absorption, antioxidant, water soluble - creates expensive urine
vitamin B12- scientififc names, where found and uses
Vit b12: (cobalamin) meat, dairy eggs etc., helps with protein synthesis, DNA syntheiss, regenerate folate, fatty acid synthesis, energy production
vitamin K scientific names
Vit K- (phylloquinone, menaphthone
what vitamins are fat soluble
A, E, D ,K
what happens during starvation
- reduced insulin secretion
- glycogenolysis (gkycogen stored in liver broken down)
- brain requires 150g glucose/day
- longer fasts need glucogenesis (makes glucise from non-lipid sources)
Draw glycolysis chain
did you do it ;)
regulation of glycolysis
PFK1 affected by many moelcules:
ATP- inhibitor (stop)
citrate- inhibitor, accumilation (stops)
AMP (adensosine monophosphate)- activator (go)
fructose 2,6 bisphosphate - regulator (go)