Week 3 passing of a bill in parliament Flashcards
Legislation -
statues -
Legislation - statutes & delegated legislative acts
statues - acts made by parliament
bills - acts before they are embedded into law
Subordinate acts-
code -
Subordinate acts- laws made by individuals or bodies authorized to do so by parliament
code - is a statute that draws together both statute and case law on a topic.
consolidations- brings together the original statute law on a topic and the subsequent amendments. This is done by Parliament repealing the initial and amending Acts and re-enacting their provisions in a single statute
authority to make law in…
federal- s1 of Australian constitution
state - s16 of Victorian constitution
Pal made up of ..
crown - kings representative governor and gov general
2 houses of pal
lower-> house of reps and leg assembly
upper-> senate and leg council
the parties or parties in collation which hold the majority of seats in the lower house
core decision making body of parliament made up of senior ministers and the prime minister eg minister for health
Opposition role
to scrutinise the conduct of government made up of shadow ministers
delegated legislation is made by
the executive
Private members bills
proposed bill made by an individual member of pal rather then the government
rare normally controversial
Differences btw court and statue made law
stat law can be proactive to stop a problem before it occurs
stat law in fixed form whereas case law expressed in many ways inn the case judgement
Creating delegated leg
Eg council by laws
1. drafting and consultation;
Office of pal council may draft
- explanatory statement;
- tabling and review; and
- registration
has to registered to federal register of legislation enabling public acess- Pal tabling and review
all del leg must be tabled in pal
can disallow leg
- Pal tabling and review
Section 51 of const
concurrent powers
international and interstate trade;
* taxation;
* post and telecommunications;
* foreign affairs;
* defence;
* immigration;
* banking (other than State banking);
* insurance (other than State insurance);
* marriage and divorce;
* currency and weights and measures; and
* invalid and old age pensions
section 109
ensures commonwealth law invalidates state law in areas of conflict
Passing a bill
1st reading
copies are handed to each member of pal
2nd reading
minister delivers a speech
2nd reading debate stage -> after ministers have read bill
consideration in detail -> can be bypassed if no opposition members offer changes
Opposition minister gives opposition speech
then they vote
3rd reading (formality ) if bill has passed lower house
Then is handed to upper house for same process
If passes both houses then it is handed to the crown to give royal assent -> act
commencement of an act
interpretation of legislation act 1984 (Vic)
s 10 A (1)
if act provides for proclamation power conferred on the governor in council to fix date via gov gazette
s 10 A (3)
if no provision for commencement for a particular provision comes into operation on the day proclaimed or the anniversary of passing whichever is earlier
s 10 A (2)
if the act confers power on the governor to proclaim then does not commence till proclaimed
Express repeal
by amending act due to major issue
or sunset clause - self repealing
implied reappeal.
later act repeals earlier act if inconstant
amending an act
minor changes in words clauses phrasing.
Generalia specialibus non derogant
“The general does not detract from the specific.”
if border collies are allowed in parks
then act passed to ban dogs
border collies are still allowed.
rules of reappeal.
repeal of repealing legislation does not revive initial legislation
substantive rights under initial act preserved.
acts are divided into …
bills are divided into …