Week 3 - Mood disorders Flashcards
A pervasive and sustained emotional response
normal mood
Experience of unpleasant (usually low) mood
pervasive and sustained low mood & related behaviours & symptoms
Elevated mood, inflated self-esteem & associated
Increased energy but less severe features than mania
Intense feeling of wellbeing, excitement, over-confidence & over optimism
Different domains of mood disorders
- emotional
- cognitive
- somatic
- behavioural/affective
Emotional domain
dysphoria/euphoria (and associated mood extremes)
Cognitive domain
Abilities - disturbed concentration
Appraisals - grandiosity & inflated self-esteem OR depressive/negative triad: hopeless view of self, environment, future
Somatic domain
Fatigue/energy level, pain threshold, appetite, sleep
behavioural/affective domain
psychomotor slowing versus agitation; limited behaviour vs ceaseless activity
Distinguishing depression and normal sadness
- pervasive and persistent
- occurs without precipitating event
- impacts ability to function day to day
- accompanied by additional cognitive, somatic, behavioural signs and symptoms
- nature or quality may be different than normal sadness
Previous thinking of mood disorders
mood disorders = depressive + bipolar disorders - formerly known as manic-depressive disorder
Current conceptualisation - DSM-5/DSM-5-TR
depressive disorders and bipolar and related disorders are separate