Week 3 Mood Disorders Flashcards
Pervasive and sustained emotional response
normal mood
Experience of unpleasant(usually low) mood
pervasive and sustained low mood & related behaviours & symptoms
Elevated mood, inflated self-esteem & associated symptoms
increased energy but less severe features than mania
Intense feeling of well-being, excitement, over confidence & over optimism
pompous superiority
disturbed concentration falls into which domain in mood disorders
a) emotional
b) cognitive
c) somatic
d) behavioural/affective
Common features of depressive disorders
Presence of sad empty or irritable mood, accompanied by somatic and cognitive changes
Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder
Children 6-18 years
Chronic, severe, persistent irritability and frequent episodes of extremely out of control behaviour
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder(PMDD)
Severe form of PMS characterised by mood lability, irritability, dysphoria, anxiety, difficultly concentrating, changes in appetite and sleep, pain
Major depressive disorder
1 major episode in the absence of any history of manic episode
A. An episode is 5 or more of 9 symptoms indicative of change over 2 week period; including either (1) depressed mood, or (2): loss of interest or pleasure
B. Cause significant distress or impairment
C. Not attributable to other disorders/substances
Persistent depressive disorder(Dysthymia)
More chronic, mild presentation over a period of 2 years or more.
Depressed mood for most of the day.
2 or more of 6 symptoms
1. poor appetite or overeating
2. insomnia/hypersonmia
3. Low energy or fatigue
4. Low self-esteem
5. Poor concentration/decision making
6. Feelings of hopelessness
When would PDD not be diagnosed?
- If symptoms are absent for more than 2 months at a time during a 2 year period
- If at any time during the first 2 years meets criteria for MDE/MDD
- Presence of manic episode
Bipolar disorders
primary impairment involving mood but with a manic/hypomanic component
Bipolar I
At least one manic episode
Bipolar II
hypomania: episodes of increased energy, not severe enough to qualify manic episodes. severity and duration
similar to PDD, chronic but less severe form of bipolar
symptoms of mania and depression rather than ‘episodes’
Manic episode
at least a week of (or any period of time if hospitalisation due to) abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood and persistently increased goal-directed activity/energy
feature is present most of the day and nearly everyday for this period
sufficiently severe to cause marked impairment in functioning, OR to necessitate hospitalisation, OR with psychotic features
How many symptoms does a individual have to have to be classified as Manic episode?
3 or more of 7 symptoms ( over 4 if mood is irritable)
True or false
manic episode is not attributed to effects of a substance or due to another medical condition
Manic Episode criteria B symptoms
- inflated self esteem or grandiosity
- decreased need for sleep
- increased talkativeness or pressure of speech
- flight of ideas or racing thoughts
- Distractibility
- Increased goal-directed activity/ psychomotor agitation
- Excessive involvement in activities with high potential for painful consequences
Same as manic episodes except
1. Lasts at least 4 consecutive days
2. unequivocal changes in function but it is not severe enough to cause ‘marked impairment’ or hospitalisation
Chronic, fluctuating mood disturbance for 2 years or more with an onset usually in adolescence or early adulthood
A. Cyclothmic Disorder
B. Bipolar I
C. Hypomania
D. Mania
Mean age onset for depressive disorders
A. Adolescent period
B. 35
C. 32
D. 40
True or False
Bereavement is classified as a mood disorder?
It is not classified as trauma and stressor related disorders.
Which of the following is not a sign of depression in Chinese culture
a) boredom
b) discomfort
c) feelings of inner pressure
d) change in appetite and sleep
Male or Females are 2-3 times more vulnerable to depression