Week 3 - LP minimisation, non negativity, multiple optima Flashcards
No. of effective constraints = ?
No. of effective constraints = # of basic variables
taken from # of non-negativity constraints = # of nonbasic variables
Necessary (but not sufficient) condition for MULTIPLE OPTIMAL solutions
If the LP problem has multiple optimal solutions then some constraints DEFINING x* must have DUAL VALUE 0.
If ALL dual values associated to the constraints that define an optimal extreme solutions are ≠ 0, then the solution is the unique optimum
Necessary but not sufficient b/c…
- if there are dual cases = 0, it does NOT necessarily mean that there are multiple optima
- b/c there are cases where a dual value = 0 but there is a unique optimum
Weak duality theorem
If the primal problem admits an optimal solution, then the primal optimum value is AT MOST the dual optimum value.
Weak duality theorem - Proof
See notes!
Strong duality theorem
- If an LP problem admits an optimal solution, then also its dual admits an optimal solution.
- Furthermore, the optimal values of the primal and dual problems are EQUAL.
2 optimality conditions for an extreme solution
An extreme solution x* to an LP is optimal IF AND ONLY IF there exists a feasible solution y* for the dual that satisfies these 2 conditions…
- ystar satisfies AT EQUALITY all the dual constraints corresponding to BASIC VARIABLES
- For every INEFFECTIVE CONSTRAINT for xstar, the corresponding component of ystar is 0
Such a solution ystar is optimal for the dual