Week 3 Gas Transport, Utilisation and Exchange Flashcards
Pulmonary function plays a key role in maintaining blood-gas homeostasis during exercise. What is the other key role?
Acid-base Homeostasis
At rest what muscle contracts and relaxes to expire and inspire air? How does it work (using knowledge of the atmospheric pressure)?
The Diaphragm. It contracts and the ribs move up and out so the intrapulmonic pressure is less than 760mmHg. The opposite happens when expiring
What happens during exercise that’s different from rest.
During exercise other muscles are involved to work such as muscle within the shoulder, and muscle in the back. This is no longer passiev
Is the lung size of a sedentary individual and an athlete different? If so by how much?
No their lung sizes are quite similar.
What is the typical value of a Maximum voluntary ventilation?
35-40*FEV1. It is typically only 25% higher than maximal levels of ventilation during max exrcise.
What is the typical value of a Maximum voluntary ventilation?
35-40*FEV1. It is typically only 25% higher than maximal levels of ventilation during max exrcise.
What’s the equation for Fick’s law of diffusion?
Rate of diffusion = area/thickness * gass diffusion coefficient * (p1-P2)
What’s the equation for Fick’s law of diffusion?
Rate of diffusion = area/thickness * gass diffusion coefficient * (p1-P2)
What are the partial pressures of the atmosphere?
02: 160mmHg, N2: 600mmHg, CO2: 0.2mmHg
Alveolar air?
O2: 100mmHg, N2: 570mmHg, CO2: 40mmHg
What are the O2 and CO2 partial pressures in the venous blood, the tissue, and arterial blood at rest?
Venous: PO2 40mmHg, PCO2 46mmHg
Tissue: PO2 40mmHg, PCO2 46mmHg
Arterial: PO2: 95mmHg, PCO2 40mmHg
During exercise what happens to the pressure in the blood stream?
In the tissue the Oxygen levels would be even lower than 40 and CO2 will be higher. Therefore more difference in the pressure gradient causes more diffusion to go on. PO2 content in the arterial blood will stay the same.
During exercise what happens to the pressure in the blood stream?
In the tissue the Oxygen levels would be even lower than 40 and CO2 will be higher. Therefore more difference in the pressure gradient causes more diffusion to go on. PO2 content in the arterial blood will stay the same.
What does Henry’s Law indicate about the pulmonary system (2 main implications)?
- Since blood temperature varies only a little, and the solubility coefficient doesn’t change, the major determinant of dissolved O2 is the partial pressure.
- Solubility coefficient for O2 is much lower than CO2. Only a small amount of the O2 dissolves in the blood stream.
What are the maximum amount of O2 per volume of blood in male and female?
Male = 200mlO2/L Blood Female = 174mlO2/L Blood
How much O2 can each completely saturated gram of Hb carry?
~1.34ml O2
How do you maintain or increase Hb?
- intake iron, Do altitude training to stimulate body to produce more blood cells.
Whats the difference in the arterial blood and venous blood HbO2 saturation at rest and during exercise?
only about 25%. For exercise its 90%.
How does temperature affect the offloading of oxygen? Why is that useful.
At high temperature and low blood pH offloading is made easier. This is good because when muscles are working hard, oxygen is easily offloaded
How does temperature affect the offloading of oxygen? Why is that useful.
At high temperature and low blood pH offloading is made easier. This is good because when muscles are working hard, oxygen is easily offloaded
What is significant abou the small amounts of O2 dissolved in plasma?
- Establishes the fluid pressure gradient
2. Helps regulate breathing in high altitude.
Whats the percentage of CO2 transport?
Haemoglobin 20%, Bicarbonate 70%, plasma 10%
What is the most contributing factor in a minute ventilation?
Breathing frequency. Small increase in tidal volume but its more about the breathing frequency.
Wwhat happens in hyperventilation?
There is an excess demand in O2 therefore one breathes more leading to an excess Carbon Dioxide release, and a decrease in CO2 in the blood steam.