Week 3 - Female Pathology Flashcards
The nipple is formed by evagination of the _____ pit
Mammary Pit
Name some hormones that play a part in breast development?
Cyclical Estrogen and Progesterone, GH, Glucocorticoids,Insulin
What hormones stimulate Lobuloalveolar differentiation?
Insulin, Progesterone and Growth Hormone
Breast development decreased in _____ phase of the menstrual cycle
What processes constitute the triple assessment of breast lumps
1) Clinical history and Examination
2) imaging
3) Needle biopsy
Name some disadvantages of FNA
Requires qualified cytologist. No architecture, in situ and invasive. There are chances of False - and False +
Same some advantages of Core biopsy
Few False + and False -, Gives diagnosis with tissue architecture, can correlate with mammogram, allows diagnosis of borderline lesions, visulaizes calcifications. In situ.
Age: 20-30, Well defined rounded opacity, Scale C2 (B2 or B3 in FNA), Lesion of stroma and epithelium. DIscrete ‘mobile’ lump
Has mitotic activity. Pleomorphic features (cells with nuclei of variable shape and size). Has a margin. Stromal overgrowth. Treat as sarcoma
Fibrocystic Lesion
30-40y/o. Fibrosis. Cysts. Apocrine change. Epithelial hyperplasia and Columnar cell change.
Radial Scar
Parenchymal distortion or complex sclerosing lesion of the breast. Can radiologically mimic carcinoma. Core biopsy to exclude carcinoma followed by excision biopsy.
How can one differentiate between Radial scar and Tubular carcinoma?
Tubule shape, Pattern, Myoeptihelial cells, CK5, SMA, P53,
Duct Ectasia
Nipple discharge / inverted nipple. Pain. Linked to smok. Squamous metaplasia of Lactiferous duct. Mammary duct fistula. Microdilated ducts with inflammatory changes.
Papillary Lesion
Nipple discharge with blood stained epithelial cells. Microcalcifications. Core biopsy can show Papilloma, FIbrovascular cores, Epithelial and myoepithelial cells, Hyperplasia, single or multiple. Often a central mass is present
Pesudoangiomatous Stromal Hyperplasia (PASH)
Hard palpable lump. Well defined mass on imaging. Gross well circumscribed pseudoencapsulated mass. Dense stroma with “anatomising channels” lined by “myofibroblasts”. Rapid englarging mass with skin changes.