Week 3 Definitions Flashcards
Causing someone to feel upset, resentful or annoyed
O-f-f-e-n-c-e or o-f-f-e-n-c-I-v-e
wretchedly unhappy or uncomfortable
M-i-s-e-r-y or m-i-s-e-r-a-b-l-e
Well known from long or close association
F-a-m-i-l-i-a-r or f-a-m-i-l-i-a-r-i-t-y
Showing something to be right or reasonable
J-u-s-t-i-f-i-c-a-t-i-o-n or j-u-s-t-i-f-i-a-b-l-e
The quality of being worthy of attention
S-i-g-n-i-f-i-c-a-n-t or S-i-g-n-i-f-i-c-a-n-c-e
Resulting in good, favourable or advantageous
Beneficial or beneficiary
Pleasing or appealing
Attraction or attractive
Perceive the intended meaning
Understand or understandable
Being entitled to a privilege by fulfilling a necessary condition
Qualification or qualify
Not able to accrue
Impossible or impossibility