Week 3: Central Sensitisation Flashcards
How does peripheral sensitisation contribute to central sensitisation?
Increased outputs from primary afferent terminals (ie nociceptor in the periphery?) increases the excitability of postsynaptic neurons directly and through activation of secondary mechanisms
What happens broadly during central sensitisation?
What does this result in?
- State of hyper-excitability in the CNS
- Includes both dorsal horn of the spinal cord and the brain
Results in…
- Increases the response to input from injured/inflamed site (a sensitive CNS)
- Increases the response from regions adjacent to and remote from the injured site (smudging)
What is dorsal horn sensitisation/wind up?
- Refers to the interaction between 1st order afferents and 2nd order neurons in the dorsal horn.
- Repetitive C fibre activation by noxious stimuli sensitises the dorsal horn (wind up)
- The volume is being turned up
- Disinhibition from higher centres
At the dorsal horn what is the normal signalling?
How does this change in a sensitised state?
Normal signalling
- Electric impulses of 1st order afferent fibres arrive at the dorsal horn
- Calcium channels from 1st order neurons release neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft (Glutamate = excitatory amino acid, substance P, peptide & CGRP - peptide)
- These neurotransmitters act on receptors on 2nd order neurons (AMPA) & (NMDA)
Sensitised state
- Brief nociceptive stimuli only activate AMPA receptors
- With sufficient nociception and subsequent release of peptides (substance P), the peptides produce membrane depolarisation and the magnesium ion block is removed from NMDA receptors
- Glutamate is now able to activate NMDA receptors as well as AMPA receptors
- Net result is increased activation of 2nd order neurons sending danger signals to brain (volume is turned up for a little while)
*Biologically advantageous - however with repeated nociceptive input this can result in long-term potentiation - a persistent increase of synaptic efficiency
In a sensitised what type of receptors are activated? Why aren’t others activated?
AMPA only.
At resting state the NMDA receptors are blocked by magnesium ions.
Central sensitisation occurs with repetitive firing of primary nociceptors. This leads to:
- Sustained release of …… and the …… substance P and CGRP by nociceptors leading to sufficient membrane …… to force Mg2+ to leave the ….. pore, allowing increased …. influx and increasing the …… rate of projector neurons (ie increasing ….. to higher centres)
- ….. oxide along with ……. can act as retrograde transmitters increasing the output from …… afferent terminals (ie more …. mediators from the primary nociceptor)
- ….. from the primary nociceptors can activate other nearby neurons (ie spreading of the signal)
- Sustained activation of the projection neuron leads to transcriptional changes that result in increased ….. and. ….. receptors which increase the ….. of the second neuron, thus ……. a state of central sensitisation
- Glutamate, neuropeptides, depolarisation, NMDAR, calcium, firing, nociception.
- Nitric, glutamate, primary, excitation.
- NMDA and AMPA-R, excitability & maintaining.
Summarise dorsal horn sensitisation
Activation of NMDA receptors on 2nd order neurons (hyperalgesia)
A-delta afferents activate 2nd order neurons (allodynia)
Decreased inhibition (disinhibition)
What is smudging?
Increased synaptic efficiency of primary afferents and their connectivity resulting in broader and less defined receptive fields.
What is disinhibition?
Disinhibition occurs when dorsal horn neurons are more susceptible to activation by excitatory inputs including non-nociceptive a-fibres and is a key mechanism in triggering and maintaining central sensitisation.
Features of disinhibition
- Noradrenergic projections synapse on the projection neurones and can excite projection neurons.
- There is reduction in inhibitory input from descending centres on excitatory interneurons
- There is reduction in excitatory input from descending centres on opioid interneurons which would inhibit primary nociceptors and excitatory interneurons