Week 3 - B - Management of violence and aggression - Mental Health Act Scotland 2003, Rapid Tranquilisation policy Flashcards
What is the definition of violence?
Violence is defined as the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment or deprivation
Is crime actually increasing or decreasing in recent years?
Crime is actually been seen to be decreasing in recent years contrary to what the media may have the public believe
Does having a mental health disorder predispose you to violence?
Having a mental health disorder alone does not necessarily predispose somebody to a history of violence
Having a mental disorder with a history of violence or substance misuse greatly increases the predisposition to violence

There are different ways to deal with aggressive behaviour but you should be trained to deal with aggressive type behaviour What are the different ways in which you may be able to manage aggressive behaviour?
Predict it - body language of patient - predicting it is the best way to avoid the aggressive behaviour because then you can prevent it
Prevent it - de-escalation, talk to the patient
Intervention to stop it - restraint, seclusion, rapid tranquilisation
What prophylactic techniques can help to manage aggressive behaviour?
Think about the room layout, always stand closer to the door than the patient
Make sure to have the patient observed by the nurses try to have in a side room if worried about being aggressive as a stimulating environment may cause further confusion
What are the three basic factors for detaining somebody?
This would be
They appear to have a mental disorder
They cannot make their own decisions
An they are a risk of safety to themselves or others
There is an important need to understand which reasons you can detain somebody for under the mental health act and which you cannot When is a person not mentally disordered? (which disorders mean you cannot detain someone)
If the patient has alcohol or substance obuse
Behaviour that is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to another
Sexual orientation, devancy, transsexualism etc
If someone doesn’t have a mental disorder they cant be detained, regardless of their actions What does somebody having a mental disorder actually cover?
Any mental illness, Learning difficulties Personality disorders
What are the different components of the mental health (Care and treatment) act (scotland) that we need to know about?
Mental house office must also allow these after they have been put in
* Emergency detention
* Short term detention
* Compulsory treatment order
Nurses holding power
Advance statement
Lets talk about emergency detention, short term detention and compulsory treatment order Who can use an emergency detention order? How long does it detain the patient for? What rights does the atient have under this order? What section of the mental health act scotland is this? Who must review the patient ASAP?
* Any registered medical practitioner can use the emergency detention order - that is FY2 and above
* It detains the patient for 72 hours but does not allow for treatment but merely assessment
* The patient cannot appeal this detention
* Emergency detention comes under section 36 of the mental health act Scotland
Usually there is consent from a MHO but you don’t need it.
It must be reviewed by an AMP as soon as possible.
What are the criteria for detaining somebody under an emergency detention?
- Likely to have a mental disorder
- Patients ability to make decision about medical treatment for mental disorder are significantly impaired
- Detention in hospital is urgent for treatment
- Risk to health, safety or welfare of self and safety of other
- Applying for a short term detention would involve unecessary delay
Who can use a short term detention and compulsory treatment order
This would be an approved medical practitioner - usually somebody who as at least 4 years training in psychiatry (usually registrar and above) or is a member of the royal college of psychiatry
Who can use short term detention order How long does it detain the patient for? What rights does the atient have under this order? What section of the mental health act scotland is this?
Can be used by an approved medical practitioner
Lasts for up to 28 days
Patient has the right to appeal this but this order is used as the patient can be treated This is section 44 of the MHA scotland 2003 To put this order through it requires MHO consent
What is the criteria for using a short term detention order?
- Patient is likely to have a mental disorder 2. There is significant impaired decision making regarding treatment due to the mental disorder 3. Detention in hospital is necessary for the assessment of the treatment 4. There a risk to health, safety or welfare of self or safety of others 5. The patient cannot be treated voluntarily
Usually abut two weeks into the short term detention, have to make a decision about whether you are going to go for what detention?
Usually about two weeks into the STD, have to decide whether patient requires more treatment and if they are likely to refuse the treatment they need, then compulsory treatment order
Who can apply for the compulsory treatment order ? How long does it detain the patient for? What rights does the atient have under this order? What section of the mental health act scotland is this?
The CTO needs to be applied to the mental health tribunal with two accompanying reports - one from a ST4 and up (in psychiatrist) treating the patient and another usually from the GP
The compulsory treatment order lasts up to 6 months
* The patient has the right to appeal as they do in the STD - to the tribunal of mental health and welfare committee * MHO consent needed This is section 63 of the mental health act
What order can the police put in place? What are the conditions?
Police have a specific provision called he patient safety order if they find somebody, they can use this order to take them to a safe place and they are obliged to stay with the person whilst they are assessed – this can only happen in a public place (police are not allowed to go into a persons own home and detain them under this order)
Safe place can mean ie psychiatric hospital or A&E
What can nurses do if someone needs detaining and there is no doctor present?
The nurses holding power allows a nurse to withhold a patient for up to 2 hours until a doctor is ready to assess the patient
When a patient presents violently It is important to first and foremost try and use non drug approaches Elicit the use of distractions, seclusion and even try and simply talk to he patient Before adminsitering a drug what should you do?
Before administering a drug, be aware of the patients past medical history to check for any drug contraindictions and then first of all try oral therapy
What drug is attempted for oral therapy in a patient who is violent?
This would be lorazepam
Rapid tranquillisation is the use of medication by the parenteral route (usually intramuscular or, exceptionally, intravenous) if oral medication is not possible or appropriate and urgent sedation with medication is needed. What drug is attempted to be given IM mainly?
IM lorazepam 1-2mg is what is usually given to sedate the patient, can try in combo with haloperidol sometimes

After giving a patient the IM lorazepam, what should be monitored? What happens if there is no response to the lorzepam first injection?
After giving IM lorzepam, monitor resp rate, pulse BP every 5-10 minutes for one hour
If no respponse to first injection after thirty minutes, give another dose of lorazepam injection
If no response, seek senior help

The management of a delirious patient is slightly different to the management of a patient who is being treated for violence/aggression What pharamcology can be given to the delirious patient 1st? What happens if the delirious patient has lewy body dementia or parkinsons? What happens if they were delirious due to alcohol or benzo withdrawal?
Delirious patient normally 1st line is normally 0.25 mg haloperidol
If the patient has DLB or DPD - then give lorazepam usually (quetiapine can be given instead (an atypical so not as much effect on D2 receptor antagonism))
If the delirium was due to alcholol or benzo withdrawal - then give a benzodiazpeine
What are causes of potential psychiatric issues that you cannot detain somebody for?
Intoxicated with, addicted to or withdrawing from alcohol or drugs - so substance misuse
Cannot detain somebody for disorders or sexual preference
Cannot detain somebody if there is no treatment available for their condition