week 3 (attitudes, emotions and behaviour) Flashcards
Describe the study by LaPiere (1934) on attitudes and behaviour
- Visited 128 hotels and resturants with a chinese student of his, and found that all but one served the chinese student
- 6 months later wrote to the 128 resturants and hotels and asked ‘will you provide service to a member of the chinese race’, and found that most said no and only one said yes
- this shows that there is a discrepancy between the attitudes and behaviour between the staff at these places
What is a prospective attitude behaviour study?
a study that measures the attitude first, and the behaviour later
Outline wickers review on attitude behaviour studies
- Wicker conducted a review of empirical prospective attitude behaviour studies
- He found that there was little evidence to support the existence of stable, underlying attitudes in an individual which can actually influence behaviour
What is a criticism of the methodologies of Wickers studies
- certain attitude behaviour studies dont take into account contextual information
Outline Azjen and Fishbeins compatibility principle
- when investigating attitudes and behaviours, the attitudes and behaviours must be matched in respect to four elements
- TARGET at which action is directed
- CONTEXT in which action is performed
- TIME at which action is performed
(e.g rather than asking do you like eating ice cream, and measuring whether someone eats it right now, ask what is your attitude towards eating ice cream right now”)
Outline Azjen and Fishbeings 1977 analysis of attitude behaviour associations
- Coded studies for how compatible the attitude and behaviour measaures were
- conducted a review of the studies
- found that when there was low compatibility between the attititude and behaviour measures there was no relationship between attitudes and behaviour
- when there was partial compatibility between attitude and behaviour measures there was mixed results on whether there was a relationship
- when there was high compatibility between the measures the was a significant and positive relationship between attitudes and behaviour
- attitudes do predict behaviour but the reason why some studys say they dont is because they have violated the compatibility principle
outline sieget et al’s study on organ donation and attitudes
- measured:
1. some pppts general attitude towards organ donation
2. other ppts attitude to joining the organ donor register themselves - found that the relationship between attitudes and behaviour was greater for the specific attitude measure than it was for the general attitude measure
What is Azjen and Fishebeins theory of reasoned action?
- Our attitude towards a behaviour, combined with our subjective norms (a summary of what we believe other peoples attitude to the behaviour is) influences our behavioural intention (so whether or not we intend to do something).
- Its on the basis of this intention that we actually act.
What was Mcmillan and connors method for their experiment on drug use intentions?
-study on undergraduates
- Asked to report:
own attitudes towards illicit drugs
what they believe others attitudes are towards them
their intentions to use drugs in the next 6 months - they used measures of this information to see how well each measure predicts a person intention
What were the results of Mcmillan and Connors experiment on drug use and intention?
For all the drugs:
Attitude has a strong predictive effect on intention when you control for injunctive norms
Injunctive norms has a not so strong but still positive effect on intention when you control for attitude
implication: attitudes are important for shaping intentions but so too are social norms
What is Azjens theory of planned behaviour?
- azjen developed his theory of reasoned action into the theory of planned behaviour
- he added the variable of percieved behavioural control onto attitude and subjective norms
- this means that if someone feels that they dont have control over the behaviour then they are unlikely to have the intention to do that behaviour
What is Lavin and Groarkes study on the theory of planned behaviour?
- used a questionaire to measure peoples attitudes, norms, perceivced behavioural control and intentions regarding dental flossing
- used a self report diary to then measure whether they do the behaviour 3 weeks later
- Attitudes had a significant positive effect on intentions
- subjective norms had no impact on intentions
- Percieved behavioural control had the strongest impact on intentions
- the three variables together explain 47% of the variation in peoples intentions
- intentions have a significant positive impact on behaviour
- Perceived behavioural control also had a positive relationship with behaviour
what did the meta analysis of all the theory of planned behaviour studies show?
Intentions predict only 22% of variation in behaviour
what is the difference between the correlational studys and the experimental studies on the theory of planned behaviour
- correlational studies measured if there was a correlation between peoples intentions and their behaviour
- experimental studies manipulated a persons intentions to see if that change in intentions then resulted in a change in behaviour
what did webb and sheehans meta analysis of experimental studies on the theory of planned behaviour find and what does this imply
a medium- large size change in intention translated only to a small- medium size change in behaviour
this implies that the correspondence between intentions and behaviour is not perfect, meaning there is an INTENTION BEHAVIOUR GAP