Week 3 Flashcards
Event Handlers
Functions that will run when an event happens
Event Propagation
Roughly, the order in which different DOM elements are notified of an event
Event Capturing
Part of the event propagation model wherein listeners are fired from the top of the DOM tree down
Event Targeting
Part of the event propagation model wherein listeners are fired on the source of the event
Event Bubbling
Part of the event propagation model wherein listeners are fired from the target of the event up
Event Delegation
The process of using event propagation to handle events at a higher level in the DOM than the element on which the event originated
Array Prototype
methods that are built specifically for arrays, they help us change the arrays themselves or get certain information out of them.
methods that mutate, or change, the original array.
Methods that do not mutate the original array, rather just give us some information about the array