Week 3/4 Intellectual Property Flashcards
What is intellectual property (IP)?
It is the name given to legal rights that protect creative works, inventions and commercial goodwill
What is included in the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)?
- copyright
- patents
- trademarks
- law of confidence
- passing off
- design rights
semiconductor regulation
What is copyright?
Copyright protects the expression of an idea, not the idea itself. Copyright is a benefit granted by statute and it protects literary, artistic and musical works.
What rights does copyright provide the owner with?
Copyright provides the owner with exclusive rights to:
- publish
- perform
- broadcast
- adapt
- copy
What is the duration of copyright?
It exists for
- 70 years after the author’s death or
- 50 years after the creation of the work
What is the law of confidence?
It protects ideas before they are sufficiently developed to enable copyrighting or patenting. It is based on the common law so it is flexible and can keep pace with advancing technology.
What is the limitation of the law of confidence?
The limitation is that the information must be confidential and not in the public domain.
What are the laws relating to designs?
- Ergonomic mouse
- Silicon chips
What is a trade mark?
It is a sign which is capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one undertaking from those of other undertakings. It consist of words, numerals, colors, sounds or the shape of goods.
What is patent law?
It gives the owner the exclusive right in an invention.
How can one acquire a patent?
Applications are handled by the Intellectual Property Office. If a patent is granted, it can be held by 20 years.
What can be patented?
The invention must be new, involve an inventive step and must be capable of industrial application.
What cannot be patented?
Things that are directly protected by copyright are excluded from patentability.
What are Non-fungible tokens (NFTs)?
They are digital certificates stored in a centralized ledger (blockchain)
What is fungibility?
It is a legal concept relating to the ability of an asset to be exchanged with another asset of the same type
What does the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (CDPA) protect?
It provides copyright for the following:
- original literary, dramatic, musical or artistic works
- sound recordings, films, broadcasts, cable programmes
- the typographical arrangement of published editions
- later additions