Week 3/4 - B - Special Circulations - Coronary (R./L.C.A, hyperaemia, Cerebral (willis/autoreg), Pulmonary, Skeletal (varicose) Flashcards
CORONARY CIRCULATION Where do the right and left coronary arteries arise? What arteries do they give off? Where does most coronary venous blood drain?
The coronary arteries arise from the base of the aorta RCA gives off the RMA and travels posteriorly to become the PIA (inferior) LCA divides to become the LCA (lateral) and LAD artery (anterior) The coronary venous blood drains via the coronary sinus into the right atrium

The coronary circulation has some special adaptions to adequately perfuse the heart What are these?
The coronary circulation has some special adaptations * It has a high capillary density * High basal blood flow * High oxygen extraction under resting conditions
Normally the body on average will use approx 25% of the oxygen supplied to a specific area under resting conditions, however under resting conditions, the heart extracts 75% of the oxygen supplied to it Due to the heart’s already high oxygen extraction, when extra O2 is required, how can this be supplied?
When extra O2 is supplied by the heart, the O2 extraction cannot be further increased and can only be supplied by increasing coronary blood flow
Coronary Blood Flow is controlled by Intrinsic & Extrinsic Mechanisms What are the intrinsic mechanisms that can increase coronary blood flow? * 2 cause vasodilation * One increases the flow
The intrinsic mechanisms that increase blood flow are * A decreased O2 will cause vasodilation of the coronary and systemic arteries (remember it causes vasoconstriction of pulmonary arteries to correct V?Q mismatch) * Metabolic hyperaemia matches flow to demand * Adenosine is a potent vasodilator
What is metabolic hyperaemia?
Hyperaemia is an increase in the blood flow - Metabolic hyperaemia is where an increases in the metabolic activity of eg cardiac muscle or skeletal muscle leads to an increase in different metabolites such as lactic acid, CO2 or adenosine. These cause vasodilation
As already stated, there are also extrinsic mechanisms controlling coronary blood flow Coronary arterioles are supplied by sympathetic vasoconstrictor nerves. What can override this control
The vasoconstrictor function of coronary arterioles can be overridden by metabolic hyperaemia as a result of increased heart rate and stroke volume This therefore causes the sympathetic stimulation of the heart to result in coronary vasodilation via B2-adrenergic receptors The B2-adrenergic receptors normally cause vasodilation
How does sympathetic stimulation affect coronary blood flow?
Sympathetic stimulation decreases coronary blood flow via a1 ADR receptors (causes vasoconstiction) - which increases SVR/MAP * also increases heart rate and contraction force via B1 ADR also increases coronary vasoconstriction via B2 ADR which cause coronary vasodilation due to metabolic hyperaemia

When does most of the coronary blood flow take place? How does this happen?
Most of the coronary blood flow takes place in diastole. When the ventricles relax, there is a slight backflow of blood that will close the semilunar valves of the aorta. As the coronary arteries are located adjacent to the valves at the aorta base, this blood filling here will spill into the coronary arteries

What can a decrease in diastole therefore result in?
A decrease in diastole can therefore result in a decrease in coronary blood flow which can result in chest pain or tachycardia
CEREBRAL CIRCULATION What are the arteries which supply blood to the brain? What is the special adaptation of the cebral artery supply that should maintain blood supply to the brain even if eg the ICA becomes obstructed?
It is the internal carotid arteries and the vertebral arteries which supply the blood to the brain The two vertebral arteries join to form the basilar artery. The basilar artery anastamoses with the two ICAs to form the Circle of Willis Major cerebral arteries arise from the circle of willis

The circle of willis is one special adaption for the cerebral circulation What is the special adaptation that protects the brain against changes in cerebral blood flow if the MABP changes? What MABP will cause this adaptation to fail?
This would be AUTOREGULATION This guards the cerebral blood flow against changes even if the MAP increases or decreases AUTOREGULATION is only able to work however as long as the MABP stays within 60-160mmHG (normal is 70-105mmHg)
Other important regulators of cerebral blood flow (aside from circle of willis and autoregulation) are carbon dioixde levels What does an increase or decrease in CO2 cause?
An increase in CO2 levels causes cerebral vasodilation - to try and increase )2 supply to the brain A decrease in CO2 levels causes cerebral vasoconstriction - this is why hyperventilation can lead to fainting

Skull rigid box filled with approximately: brain 80%, blood 12%, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) 8% What is the normal intracranial pressure within the skull How is the cerebral perfusion pressure calculated?
Normal intracranial pressure = 8-13mmHG Cerebral perfusion pressure is the mean arterial pressure minus the intracranial pressure CPP = MAP - ICP
What does an increased ICP (eg due to head injury or brain tumour) cause?
Increased ICP causes a decrease in the CPP and cerebral blood flow
Cerebral capillaries have very tight intercellular junctions - THE BLOOD BRAIN BARRIER How can O2 and CO2 cross this barrier? How does CO2 affct respiration?
Cerebral capillaries are highly permeable to O2 and CO2 (remember from resp CO2 crosses the BBB and then generates H+ ions which are sensed by central chemoreceptors near surface of the medulla which alter ventilation in accordance)
How does glucose cross the BBB?
Glucose crosses the BBB by facilitated diffusion using specific carrier molecules as the brain has an obligatory requirement for gluocse
PULMONARY CIRCULATION The entire cardiac output flows from the right ventricle into the pulmonary circulation and therefore the pulmonary circulation What is the pulmonary artery resistance compared to the systemic resistance? What is the normal pulmonary arterial BP? - what is high?
Pulmonary artery resistance is only approximately 10% of the systemic resistance The normal mean pulmonary arterial BP is 12-20mmHg High mPAP is >25mmHg
What effect does hypoxia have on the pulmonary arterioles and why?
In contrast to the systemic arterioles, hypoxia causes vasoconstriction of the pulmonary arterioles The purpose of this is to help divert blood from poorly ventilated areas of the lung
SKELETAL CIRCULATION Why is the resting blood flow through skeletal muscles normally low? What happens to this control during exercise due to the increased blood flow in the muscles?
The resting blood flow through skeletal muscles is normally low due to the resting sympathetic vasoconstrictor tone During exercise, the local metabolic hyperaemia (increased muscle activity causes metabolic by products eg K+, CO2, adenosine) to overcoms the sympathetic vasoconstrictor activity The circulating adrenaline causes vasodilation via B2 adrenergic receptor
What ensures that blood flow in the veins goes back to the heart during contraction?
The skeletal muscle pump Contraction of muscles aids venous return One way venous valves allow blood to move forwards towards the heart during muscle contraction

What does the skeletal muscle pump reduce the chances of?
Skeletal muscle pump reduces the chances of postural hypotension and fainting
What happens when the blood pools in the lower limb veins if venous valves become incompetent? Why does this not lead to a reduction in CO?
When blood pools in the lower limbs - it is known as chronic venous insufficiency When it is due to venous valve being incompetent - this condition causes varicose veins This does not lead to a decrease in CO because of chronic compensatory increase in blood volume
What are the different complications that can arise due to long standing chronic venous insufficiency? Usually signs that there has been disease for a long time
Skin changes — look for hyperpigmentation (brown-red discolouration - haemosiderin deposition), venous eczema (itchy, red, scaly, and/or flaky skin which may have blisters and crusts on the surface), lipodermatosclerosis (painful, hardened, tight skin), atrophie blanche (white scarring)

What conditions can cause varicose veins?
Most commonly it is due to primary mechanical factors of the vein eg valvular dysfunction Secondary causes include obstruction eg DVT, pregnancy
What are the risk factors for varicose veins?
Female Obestiy Family history Prolonged standing History of DVT
What are the symptoms of varicose veins?
Symptoms Swollen veins - often blue or purple engorged lumpy and twisty veins, also pain, aching itching, swelling
What is the initial treatment of varicose veins?
Lose weight Exercise Elevate legs when possible Use support/compression stockings - helps aid venous return
If your varicose veins are still causing you pain or discomfort, or they cause complications, they can be treated in several ways What are the options?
endothermal ablation – where heat is used to seal affected veins sclerotherapy – this uses special foam to close the veins ( injection of an irritant foam (sclerosing agent) into the vein, resulting in an inflammatory response that causes closure of the vein) ligation and stripping – the affected veins are surgically removed