Week 3 Flashcards
What does descriptive statistics focus on?
Descriptive statistics focuses directly on summarising
and presenting data.
What does portray the data?
Tables and data visualisation (e.g. graphs) portray the
What are some examples of charts?
Examples of charts include histograms, scatter plots,
and line graphs, among many more.
What are descriptive measures used for?
Descriptive measures are used to summarise data.
What is descriptive statistics commonly divided into?
Descriptive statistics is commonly divided into
measures of central tendency and measures of
What do measures of central tendency focus on?
- Measures of central tendency focus on the average or
middle values.
What do measures of variability focus on?
Measures of variability focus on the dispersion of data.
What are examples of measures of central tendency?
Measures of central tendency describe the center
position of a distribution for a dataset.
* Examples of measures of central tendency include the
mean, median, and mode.
Do measures of central tendency give a whole picture of the dataset?
Measures of central tendency give only a partial
picture of a dataset.
What do measures of variability aid in?
Measures of variability (or the measures of spread) aid
in analysing how dispersed is a data distribution.
* For example, while the mean of the data maybe 65 out
of 100, there can still be data points at both 1 and 100.
What are examples of measures of variability?
Measures of variability help
communicating this by
describing the shape and
spread of the dataset.
* Variance, range, and quartiles
are examples of measures of
What are variables?
Variables are factors that can take on more than one
How do we generally calculate a descriptive statistic?
Generally, we calculate a descriptive statistic by summarising
that variable’s distribution.
What does distribution refer to?
Distribution refers to the different values that can be assumed,
and their frequency (i.e. how often each value occur).
What do we care about for discrete data?
For discrete data, we care especially about:
– Commonly occurring values (e.g. mode).
– Unusual values (e.g. outliers).
– Patterns in between.
What is univariate descriptive statistics?
Only describing one variable at a time, so it is called
univariate descriptive statistics.
What are some types of variables?
Types of variables: Discrete, Binary, Categorical, Continuous.
What are some good practices with graphs and tables?
- Graphs and tables should be able to stand on their
own. - Titles should clearly explain what the graph or table
is about. - Notes aim to inform the reader about data source,
sample size. - Notes can also be used to explain abbreviations,
symbols, or mention further details.
What is the one way table?
The one-way table
is the tabular
equivalent of a bar
* It displays
categorical data in
the form of
frequency counts
and/or relative
What are distributional features of interest?
Distributional features of
– Commonly occurring
– Unusual values.
– Patterns in between.
What are good practices with tables?
Clearly identify the variables included in the rows and
* Variable names must be meaningful.
* Order the rows to aid interpretation:
– Relevant values/ information at the top.
* We should be able to convert a percentage table back into
numbers and vice-versa
What should tables visually do?
Visually, tables should:
* Avoid vertical lines.
* A minimum of horizontal lines to clarify meaning.
* Separating headings from the remaining data.
* Separating table contents from the title and notes.
What are pie charts good at?
Good at presenting data when:
– Discrete (and mutually exclusive) variable.
– Small number of categories (not too much more than 6).
– Real variation across categories.
– Exhaustive: total adds up to 100%.
Why are pie charts under attack?
Pie chart options under attack these days:
– Hard to compare angles (as opposed to lengths in bar charts).
– Require a legend and a mix of colours – distracting.
What are bar charts good at?
Display some measure for discrete categories.
* Enables direct comparison:
– Bar height proportional to the size of the category they
* No scale for x-axis because it is the category name.
* Space between bars: Categories are discrete.
* Summing across all bars should equal 100%.