Week 3 Flashcards
A protective sense
“An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage”
A combination of sensory (discriminative) and affective (emotional) components
Pain is always subjective
Nociception- the sensory component of pain alone
The nociceptor, peripheral ‘perception’ of pain
Free nerve endings in skin, muscle, viscera pick up stimuli
High threshold receptors
Activated by intense (noxious) stimuli; sufficient to cause tissue damage
Action potential firing rate proportional to stimulus
Generates action potential
-stimulus intensity encoded through firing rate
Pain generating stimuli: injury, heat, cold, inflammation, pH
Two kinds of nociceptor
Mechanical nociceptor:
-activated by strong shearing force in skin
-eg cut, strong blow
-sharp pain
-Adelta fibres
Polymodal nociceptor
-respond to many stimuli
-eg sharp blow, damaging heat (>46C), chemicals released by damaged tissue
-(K+, H+, histamine, prostaglandins, bradykinin)
-dull burning pain
-C fibres
Primary afferent fibres all excitatory
Noxious information carried by primary afferents
Fast transmission- sharp pain, myelinated Adelta
Slower transmission- dull, burning pain, C fibres
Primary afferent fibres entry into the CNS
First order neurone synapses with second order neurone in the substantia gelatinosa, lamina II
Nociceptive inputs to the dorsal horn
Laminar organisation
Synapse with second order neurons
Adelta, C: cutaneous I-II (topographic), viscera I,V,X (diffuse)
Directly or indirectly (via interneurons) make contact with projection neurons
Substantia gelatinosa= lamina II
The dorsal horn- a gateway to pain
Local interneurons make up a vast majority of dorsal horn neurons
Inhibitory make sure neurons don’t send output-> otherwise would feel pain often
Modulate activity of projection neurons
Majority inhibitory
-spontaneously active, or stimulated by primary afferent input
-pain signal must overcome inhibition to be sent to brain
gate theory of pain (Wall and Melzack, 1965)
Gate closed to non-noxious input:
-Ab mechanoreceptor fibres excites 3rd neurone but also excites inhibitory interneurone because dont want the non noxious stimuli to be sent to the brain as a pain signal
Arrival of a noxious stimulus:
-Adelta/C fibres: excites 3rd neurone, and excites another inhibitory interneuron which then inhibits the gatekeeper interneurone so no longer inhibitory and pain signals are sent to the brain, responds to stimulus
Closing the gate to prevent pain signal:
-increase input of non noxious stimuli AB fibres which will increase excitation of gatekeeper interneurone to inhibit pain stimulus ascending signal
Clinical significance of the gate control theory
Increased non noxious afferent input to spinal cord for analgesic effect
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
-electrical current in skin activate AB fibres relieve pain, increase gatekeeper neurone
Physical therapies
Ascending spinothalamic pathway
Perceived at subcortical level
Localised- cortical level
Limbic system- affective component
Enters dorsal horn synapses decussates in spinal cord, ascends to thalamus synapses 3rd order neuron ascends to cortex
Descending pathways: feedback control
Brain stem nuclei (rich in opioids)
Release of 5-HT, noradrenaline, enkephalin (endogenous opioid)
Closing the spinal gate, intrinsic analgesia system
Prevents ascending pain signals
Synapses and inhibits in the dorsal horn to the ascending pain fibres
Decussates in subcortical region of brain synapses in thalamus and then descends
Facilitated pain
Normal physiological pain
Sensation of pain= afferent input
Duration and intensity
Persistent/chronic pain states increases sensitivity to pain
Process of peripheral and central sensitisation
Modification of neurotransmission
Changes in pain sensation induced by injury
Hyperalgesia: enhanced painful response to a normally painful stimulus
Allodynia: painful response to a normally non-painful stimulus
If repeated more sensitive to pain, pain threshold moved
Peripheral sensitisation and primary hyperalgesia- neurogenic inflammation
Sensitisation of polymodal nociceptor more sensitive response to a smaller stimulus
Noxious stimulation activates nociceptor directly and causes release of various factors in damaged skin/underlying tissue
Antidromic action potential propagation can occur along of primary afferent fibre branches that innervate injured tissue
This stimulates substance P and CGRP release from peripheral nerve ending that acts on the vasculature to cause plasma extravasation and immune cell migration into tissue.
Immune cells release proinflammatory substances (prostaglandins, H+, bradykinin, NGF, cytokines) that act on nociceptor to lower threshold for AP generation
Lower threshold= sensitisation
Antidromic action potential propagation along fibre branches that innervate injured and neighbouring uninjured tissue, result in sensitisation of neurons that also innervate the neighbouring uninjured tissue. This depends on the overlap of sensory territories- contributes to secondary hyperalgesia
Peripheral sensitisation
Primary hyperalgesia: increase pain sensitivity that occurs directly in the damaged tissue
Throbbing: pulsatile movement in blood vessels in a sensitised neurones respond to pulsatile movement generating pain normally wouldn’t respond- allodynia
Peripheral sensitisation promotes central sensitisation
Secondary hyperalgesia: increased pain sensitivity distant from the site of injury
Signalling acute pain
Primary afferent AP, release glutamate not substance P, glutamate acts on the AMPA receptor sufficient to cause second AP by 2nd order neurone
Incoming Adelta/C fibre pain signal 2AP—high fidelity—> ascending pain signal 2 AP
Central sensitisation mechanism and secondary hyperalgesia- in spinal dorsal horn
High frequency afferent input (possibly a result of peripheral sensitisation) invades presynaptic terminal
Stimulates substance P release (high frequency is required so not involved in acute pain signalling) as well as increasing glutamate release
Combination of SP-> NK1 receptor and glutamate-> AMPA receptor signalling produces sufficient depolarisation of the post synaptic membrane to relieve voltage dependent Mg2+ block of NMDA receptor
Glutamate-> NMDA receptor signalling results in calcium entry
Ca2+ activates intracellular mechanisms increasing neuron responsiveness and amplification of rate of action potential efferent firing along ascending nociceptive pathway
Facilitated ascending pain signal
The visual system
A coordinated pair of eyes
The appropriate protective mechanisms
The necessary neural apparatus to interpret visual information
Requirements visual system
Formation of a focused image on the retina due to
-ocular shape, resulting from its mechanical properties(anatomical structures) and the intraocular pressure (maintaining integrity)
-transparency of the ocular media
-ability of transparent structures to refract light
Transduction and interpretation of the image
The integration of visual information from both eyes
The physiological processes of vision can be divided into
Light sense:
-the ability to detect the presence and intensity of light (visible spectrum 400-760nm)
-the chemical changes affecting the photoreceptors on exposure to light
-daylight is optimum for cone vision (photopic vision)
-with reducing illumination, vision becomes rod dependent (scotopic vision)
Colour sense: 4 pigment types known. Rhodopsin, short, medium, long wavelength cones which are sensitive to blue, green, red light
Form sense: the ability to discriminate and interpret different parts of the visual image by the analysis of its contours and contrasts this includes:
-visual acuity - the ability to see fine detail
-contrast sensitivity- the amount of contrast which exists between the object of interest and its surrounding
Integration of information
The mechanisms which enable the 2 eyes to move and work as a single functional unit include
-extraocular muscles
-control of eye movements
—infranuclear pathways= course of the III, IV, VI cranial nerves
—cranial nerve nuclei and the supranuclear pathways
Binocular vision
A pair of eyes whose function as a unit is greater than the sum of the function of each individual eye allowing a greater visual field and by overlapping the fields, perception of depth by stereopsis (3D vision)
Both eyes must act in concert
Good vision is required for each eye
The line of sight of each eye must at all times be pointing to the same visual target
Basic anatomy of the eye
Anterior segment- in front lens
Posterior segment- behind lens
Cornea: barrier, 2/3 refracting power, collagen fibres, continuous with sclera
Sclera tough white outer coat of eye
Optic disc always medial/nasal to macula
Macula: centre 2.5 disc diameters temporal to optic disc, middle back of retina
Fovea in macula highest concentration of cone photoreceptors, absence of rods
Extraocular muscles
Rectus muscles: lateral, medial, superior, inferior. Thin strap muscles
Oblique muscles: rotation/twisting eye. Superior oblique, inferior oblique
Only muscles that dont fatigue
Wide range movements
Cranial nerve palsies
CNIII: eye down and out,medial rectus not working, lateral rectus and superior oblique work
CNIV: superior oblique not working, head tilt to compensate for lack of torsion movement, double vision
CNVI: lateral rectus not working cant look laterally, double vision
Causes of cranial nerve palsies
Micro vascular disease: CVA/ischaemia
Compressive lesions: aneurysms/tumours
Inflammation: sarcoidosis/GCA (giant cell arthritis)
Demyelination: MS
10 layers
Converts light energy into nervous impulses- transduction
-120million rods (monochromatic)
-6 million cones (colour vision)
Photoreceptors deepest part of retina adjacent to retinal pigment epithelium
Retina structure
Cells connect via chemical synapses
Ganglion cells generate action potentials (not photoreceptors/bipolar cells)
Horizontal and amacrine cells modulate transmission of information
Detect light
-outer segment- contains photopigments (gamma specific)
-rods- 1 opsin (rhodopsin)- found in: intracellular membrane disks high density (large SA)— very sensitive night vision
-cones- 3 opsins (red, green, blue) found in: infoldings of surface membrane -Fewer (low SA)— less sensitive (daytime/colour vision)
Regional organisation
Peripheral retina high SA in rods:
-rods (photopigment ++), many rods connect to 1 ganglion cell generating AP
-high sensitivity but low 2 point discrimination (visual acuity) do not need much light to generate impulse
Central retina (macula and fovea):
-cones (less photopigment)
-1 cone: 1 ganglion cell more light needed to trigger impulse
-lower sensitivity but high 2 point discrimination (visual acuity)
Lies lateral and slightly inferior to optic disc
Slightly darker than the rest of the retina due to yellow luteal pigment
Fovea is the centre of the macula and is rod free
Has highest visual acuity
In an OCT scan of macula can see thinnest layer of retina and all layers
In dark cGMP gated channels remain open
Na+ influx (dark current) leads to depolarisation
Depolarisation results in glutamate release at synapse with bipolar cell
Photoreceptors contain proteins- opsins and retinal derived from vitamin A
Retinal absorbs a photon of light and changes from cis to trans form
Causes a change in shape in opsin
Opsin then activates transducin (G protein)
Transducin activates phosphodiesterase which breaks down cGMP
CGMP gated Na+ channels to close so the cells hyperpolarise cell membrane in light conditions
Leading to depolarisation of bipolar cell
Stimulation of ganglion cells to generate action potentials
Transmission through retina
Direct pathway: photoreceptor-> bipolar cells -> ganglion cell
Photoreceptors always hyperpolarise in the light
Response of other cells depend on type
Bipolar cells- 2 classes:
-on (depolarised in light)
—dark: glutamate ->hyperpolarisation
—light: decrease glutamate—> depolarisation
-off (hyper polarised in light):
-dark: glutamate -> depolarisation
Opposite responses to glutamate due to different receptors
Ganglion cells- on and off
Direct and indirect pathways
Each bipolar or ganglion cell has a receptive field - region of retina that influences the cell
-centre- direct connections
-surround- indirect via horizontal/amacrine cells
Light in receptive field surround:
-opposite electrical responses in bipolar/ganglion cells (compared to direct pathway)
-because of the influence of horizontal/amacrine cells
-important for contrast at image borders
-centre has slightly greater influence than surround
Outline shapes more easily, amplify differences in contrast
Macular degeneration
Disruption/loss of normal retinal structure
Distortion/loss of central vision
Reduced visual acuity
Optic nerve
Contains over 1 million fibres
-nerve fibres are myelinated only after leaving the eye
-nasal fibres decussate at the optic chiasm
Optic disc
-the entry of the optic nerve into the eye (1.5x1.5mm)
-corresponds to the blind spot of the visual field as does not contain any overlying photoreceptors
-2 eyes working normally visual fields overlap so dont notice blind spot
Raised intraocular pressure
Increased pressure on optic disc
Ischaemic tissue damage
Structural changes to optic nerve head
Progressive and irreversible loss of visual field
Optic tract
Extends from the optic chiasm to the LGN
Contains uncrossed and crossed fibres from the temporal and nasal retinas respectively
About 30% of the fibres leave the visual pathway in the optic tract before the LGN including those subserving the pupillary light reflex which pass to the pretectal nuclei
Lateral geniculate nucleus
Part of the thalamus, has 6 laminae and contains the nuclei for the third neurone of the visual pathway
There is accurate point to point representation of the retina
The LGN laminae keep information from each eye separate
The right LGN receives information about the left visual field and vice versa
Optic radiations
Axons of the third neuron of the visual pathway originate in the LGN
The anteroinferior fan out as Meyers loops by passing down into the temporal lobe
Visual cortex
The primary visual cortex (Brodmans area 17) lies in the interhemispheric fissure and extends posteriorly about 1-2cm onto the posterior surface of the cortex
Lies on either side of the calcarine fissure for about 5cm and extends further anteriorly along the inferior border
In occipital lobe
Primary visual cortex: awareness of visual stimuli
Visual association cortex: process/analyse visual info, understand visual stimuli, recognise visual stimuli, memory of visual stimuli
The inferior retina is projected into the superior visual field- there is an inverted relationship between the visual system and the visual field
Only in the cortex is there integration of inputs from both eyes allowing binocular vision
Intracranial pathology
Visual field defect dependent on location of pathology
CVA- stroke
General rule, anything that’s going on in both eyes symmetrically at same time is unlikely to be primary ocular pathology normal neural pathology