Week 3 Flashcards
Regulatory Documents
Essential Documents are commonly referred to as regulatory documents. ICH-GCP guidance defines essential documents as those documents which individually and collectively permit evaluation of the conduct of the clinical trial and the quality of the data produced
Where are regulatory documents stored?
In a double locked environment on site
What are regulatory documents filed in?
A regulatory binder
Who manages the regulatory binder?
Regulatory coordinator
-The regulatory coordinator’s job is to make sure all required documents are stored in the Regulatory binder at all times
Trial Master File (eTMF)
the electronic version of the regulatory binder
The document disclosing all known risks and benefits involved with humans participating in a study
Delegation of Authority Log
The roll call sheet listing all employees at the site and their authorized tasks allowed to perform at the site
(PI’s responsibility)
Case Report Form(CRF)
A document that original source data is recorded to
- By creating a standardized form for original data and observations to be recorded to it allows for uniformity in record keeping
(usually created by CRO)
CRC’s role
- Entering information from source documents accurately to the EDC
- Identifying and document any missing or unknown information on source documents
- visit scheduling and assessment scheduling
- Report protocol deviations, protocol violations, AEs, and SAEs to the IRB when necessary
Original Source Reports include
PI verification form Subject enrollment forms Eligibility form Physical examinations Subject randomization form Medical History Lab reports IP log Concomitant medication Off Study form Death Report form
PI Verification Form
The purpose of this form is to obtain PI signature to verify the completion of the CRFs following subject study completion/termination. This form should be signed by the PI only after all the CRFs for the subject are complete and verified by the PI
Subject Enrollment Forms
The purpose of this form is to gather demographic information “at baseline”
Eligibility Form(inclusion/exclusion criteria)
This form is used “At baseline” to document that the subject satisfies the inclusion and exclusion criteria for the study
Physical Examinations
According to the specific directions in the CTP, this form may be required at Baseline and/or at intervals specified by the CTP
Subject Randomization Form
Discloses the start and end dates of placebo trial(referred to as “run-in” Dates) and also discloses the date subject began participating in randomization
Lab Reports
The purpose of this is to record clinical laboratory data on blood samples
IP Log
The purpose of this form is to document pill count or other methods to assess subject compliance and subject evaluability status. Complete this form at the intervals specified by the protocol
Concomitant Medication
The purpose of this is to document all combinations of medications taken during the subject’s treatment period
Off Study Form
The purpose of this form is to document subject completion, removal form, or drop-out from the study
Death Report Form
The purpose of this form is to gather information regarding the subject’s death if it occurred during run-i, treatment, or in follow-up.