Week 29 Flashcards
What do companies look at?
Companies want people who have technical and soft skills whose vision aligns with the company’s mission and culture.
What do Human Resources do in a company?
Human Resources is about recruiting new talent.
Is Human Resources important?
Human Resources is an essential part of businesses.
Who is responsible for business staff?
Human Resources is responsible for contracting new staff to contribute to the company’s success.
Why do companies want employees to stay?
Companies want employees to stay in their team and make them see their business as a good opportunity to grow and advance professionally.
Why is employee growth related with the success of an organization?
Employee growth is strongly related with organizational success because better prepared workers will contribute to more production to the business.
How do Human Resources find talented people?
Talent can be seen through different approaches, being open to every talent and make sure not to waste it.
Is innovation important in a company?
Innovation is essential for every company to renovate itself and introducing new ideas to not letting die the company.
Translate: Qui la fa la paga.
Every action has its consequences.
Why do businesses make interviews?
To make sure that employees can fulfill their job is to make them interviews and testing them to see if they meet the expectations of the company.
Why is Human Resources department important?
HR department are one of a company’s success because it chooses the talents that will make the company grow.
It’s a good thing to make sure the worker is safe?
It is very important to ensure worker’s safety in doing their labor.
How will the market change in the future?
Nowadays, the market will focus on digitalization and green transition so employees will be required to study these trends to have more chances to be employed.
Communication is useful in companies?
Internal communication is essential to have an excellent work performance.
Is law more powerful than companies?
Law is above every power that any company possess.
How are made the relations between employees?
Companies are regulated or work by organizational charts that define each role of every employee.
How can be peace achieved by individuals?
Peace can be achieved with cooperation and understanding with each other.
What is done by a Marketing department?
Marketing promote and manage sponsorship to promote the activities being taken out by the staff.
What will be the market trends?
The topics that will be trend on future EU markets are democracy, human rights…
Are companies above the law?
Companies are not above laws, so they must make sure they follow and obey the rules that govern them.
There has to be equality in companies?
Every employee is to be treated equally.
What can businesses do to grow?
Companies must overlook what are the consumer’s needs to continue to grow.
How important is the virtue of resillience?
It is essential to get up when we fall and fail; greatness is in recover, not to never fall.
How is a good worker?
Workers must be punctual, committed, and reliable when working because of the responsibilities they must carry out.