Week 22 (pp. 277-288) Flashcards
scintilla animae
a spark of the soul
scintilla conscientiae
spark of conscience
Scriptura sacra
Sacred or Holy Scripture
Scriptura sacra locuta, res decisa est
Holy Scripture has spoken, the issue is decided
Scripturam ex Scriptura explicandam esse
Scripture is to be explained from Scripture
secundum se
according to itself
sedes doctrinae
a seat of doctrine
sedes tropi
seat of the figure
semen fidei
seed of faith
semen impurum
impure seed
semen religionis
seed of religion
semina virtutum
the seed of virtue
sensus accommodatitius
the accommodated sense
Sensus allegoricus non est argumentativus
The allegorical meaning is not argumentative or conclusive
sensus compositus
composite sense
sensus literalis compositus
composite or compounded literal sense
sensus divinitatis
sense of the divine
sensus divisus
the divided sense
sensus irae divinae
the sense or experience of divine wrath
sensus literalis
literal sense
sensus mysticus
mystical sense or mystical interpretation
sensus spiritualis
spiritual sense
sentence, sense, meaning
septem peccata mortalia
seven deadly (mortal) sins
septem vitia capitalia
seven deadly sins
servum arbitrium
enslaved or bound choice
sessio Christi
the sitting or act of sitting of Christ at the right hand of the Father (ad dextram Patris)
seu (conj.)