Week 20 balance of payments Flashcards
Balance of payments definition
current account definition
investment income is the income earnt by the assets owned by our own citizens or UK assets owned by foreigners
transfers into and out of a country - debt, aid
financial account definition
what 3 flows does the current account record between the UK and other countries
current account balance
rarely occurs
current account surplus
who lends the money example of UK and Rest of the World
Current a/c:
Uk overspend so have to borrow
R o W have a surplus so save
Financial a/c
UK borrow so injection
RoW save so leakage
ends up balancing
= balance of payments
current account deficit
what is a the trade balance
trade of goods and trade of services
what can the current account be split up into
1) trade balance
2) income balance
what is income balance
investment income and transfers
what 3 things makes up the financial account
good to remember for exam
if usa buy uk bonds = inflow (vice versa)
3 demand-side reasons for a current account deficit
how does the 3 demand-side issues cause a current account deficit
1) strong domestic growth
>AD increases, incomes are high, living standards are high
–> people want to consume more and therefore imports increase
2) Recessions
> incomes abroad falling, exports decrease
–> revenue from exports falls so worsens trade balance
3) strong exchange rate , SPICE
> Imports cheaper, exports dearer
–> worsens trade balance
what determines supply-side reasons for a current account deficit
all to do with cost of exports and competitiveness of exports