week 20 Flashcards
Describe humoral stimulation
When the concentration of a particular solutes in the blood moves out of it’s set point range, it triggers the release of a hormone. When the ion/nutrients returns back into it’s set point range, it inhibits further release of the release of the hormone.
Describe Neural stimulation
Action potential in a nerve stimulates the releases the releases the release of a hormone. When nerve stimulation of an endocrine gland stops, there is no further release of that hormone.
Describe Hormonal stimulation
A hormone from one gland stimulates the release of a hormone from another gland. When levels of the final hormone released rise, it inhibits the release of the hormone that stimulated it in the first place.
Recognise other organs, tissues and cell in the body that release hormones
- heart
- adipose tissue
- nerves
- stomach
- small intestines
- kidneys
- thymus
- bone
- skeletal muscles
- skin