Week 2 Utah Flora Field Notes Flashcards
Perennial meaning
comes back every year, can have dried parts
Annual meaning
smaller, doesn’t come back
Composite meaning
many such flowers grouped together in heads
Ovate stem segments
Looks like your usual leaf shape
Obovate stem segments
Has the shape of an upside down leaf
Baileya multiradiata - Asteraceae - Sunflower Family
- Composite, yellow petals, heads on long stems, 3-5 lobes for the leaves, 3 humps on the end of the petals, fuzzy looking white hairs
Desert Marigold
Larrea Tridentata - Zygophyllaceae Family
- Common desert plant, pointy tips of leaves (deer hooves), shiny looking leaves, medicinal purposes, toxic chemicals into soil to keep out other plants
- Opposite leaves (family characteristic), goat heads, 5 yellow petals when in bloom
Creosote Bush
Opuntia polyacantha - Cactaceae Family (Cactus)
- Oval pads (leaves), jointed stems, long spines (cluster base with short spines), short spines designed to break off, whooly looking, old man with white beard, elliptic to obovate stem segments
Old Man Prickly Pear
Cylindropuntia acanthocarpa - Cactaceae Family (Cactus)
- Jointed stems, glochids (tiny spines), cylindrical stems, more open, doesn’t branch as much, spines are the leaves
- 0-5 short bristlelike spines at areole margins, yellow/orange flowers when in bloom
Buckhorn Cholla
Eriogonum inflatum - Polygonaceae Family (Buckwheat)
- Whooly knees, stick looking, tan/brown, swellings in the stems, insects sometimes live in the swellings
- Produces small yellow flowers that look like stars with a good amount of filaments
Desert Trumpet
Tamarix chinenis - Tamaricaeae Family
- Not an actual seeder, angiosperm (flowering), invasive, riparian vegetation (closer to streams), helps minimize erosion but has other issues
- Branching, great for bird nesting, has little buds that look a little like berries, produces pink/white flowers (small)
Datura wrightii - Solanaceae Family (Tomato/nightshade)
- Perennial, in cooler protected areas, hallucinogenic, big leaves for desert plant
- Big white flowers, spiny dry tomato for the fruit, flower shoots out of a capsule coming from the stems
Sacred Datura/Moonflower/Jimsonweed
Ambrosia Dumossa - Asteraceae Family (Sunflower)
- Ambrosia family, burrow brush, composite, same family as desert marigold, wind deposit
- Lobe leaves, divided, minty smell, staminate and pistillate heads, squiggly looking leaves, heads on sides of stems
White Bursage
Baccharis salicifolia - Asteraceae Family (Sunflower)
- Composite, riparian area (by water), salicifolia (willow leafed), all male or all female for the flower heads, dioecious (2 house)
- Staminate and pistillate florets, leaves and florets face more towards the sun, small white poofy flowers
Mule Fat
Chilopsis linearis - Bignoniaceae Family
- Riparian plant, blooming, similar to willow leaves, linear leaves, narrow and long, fruit (pod), splits and lets seeds disperse with wind, splitting characteristic
- Light purple petals, petals that split out like a bearded dragon, yellow center with purple lines coming out of it on the bottom petal
Desert Willow
Lycium andersonii - Solanaceae Family (Tomato)
- typical desert shrub, non-shading leaves to not get more sun, shrink leaves and branch more
- Succulent looking, stems taper out into a point/spine, flowers fused into a tube, small light purple flowers (spread out)
Anderson’s Box Thorn
Yucca brevifolia - Asparagaceae Family (Asparagus)
- Mojave region, type of yucca, short leaved yucca, yucca moths for pollination, no nectar, moths lay eggs in the ovary of the flowers, fruit pod, higher elevation allows better ability for the caterpillar life-cycle
- Stiffer pointy leaves kind of like a pineapple, greenish flower that is thicker like a succulent
Joshua Tree