week 2- throat Flashcards
throat conditions
acute pharyngitis, viral pharyngitis, bacterial pharyngitis, diptheria, tonsilitis, peritonsilar absess, arapharyngeal absess, retropharyngeal abscess, pharnyx infection, velopharyngeal insufficency, malignancies in pharynx
what type of pharyngitis is very common
viral, 90 percent of the time
what are two comon viral infectons that cause pharyngitis
adenovirus and epstin barr virus, mono)
adenovirus pharyngitis
throat is NOT red,no fever, painful, runny nose, modest node enlargment, 24-48 hour to get sore
Infectious mono
No fever, exudative tonsilitis, kissing tonsils, signifigant node swelling, splenomegaly, fatigue, weight loss,
what labs to detect mono?
CBC that show abnormal lymphocytes, and monospot
what is different between bacterial and viral pharygitis
bacterial onset is faster, fever, redder throat, and larger nodes
what is intersting about viral pharyngitis throat?
what does bacterial pharyngitis look like
beefy red, unilateral swelling, quick onset, high temp, headache,
what causes most bacterial pharyngitis?
Group A streptococus
what questions to determine GAS for bacterial pharyngitis?
Modified center criteria, absence of cough, tenter ant cervical, exudate gram stain culture.
what does rapid strep test do?
positive rules in strep, a negative doesn not rule out strep.
what is modified center criteria good for
terrible at ruling in, but good at ruling out strep.
what is dipthera caused by
corneybacterium mostly in other countries.
what does diptheria look like?
dirty grey speudomembrain, dyspenea, low fever, nausea and vomiting.
how is diptheria diagnosed?
gram stain.
what is complication of diptheria
myocarditis, NS toxicity
what is tonsilitis
acute inflammation of palatine tonsils
SSX of tonsilitis
sudden onset, hight fever, malise, vomiting, bad breath, enlarged tonsil, exudate
what causes tonsilitis
Bacterial, group A strep, viral, EBV , adenovirus
what are complications of tonsilitis?
peritonsilar absess, tonsillotolithis, hypertrophy of tonsils
what is peritonsilar absess?
absess between tonsil and pharyngeal constrictor muscle.
complications of strep
Pandas pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder associated with strep, Rheumatic fever, toxic shock, glomerulonephritis
signs of peritonsilar absess?
worsening unilateral sorness that can be seen from INSIDE, fever, headache, high fever, limit mouth opeing
what is parapharyngeal absess
absess lateral to superior constrictor muscle and close to corodid
sign of parapharyngeal absess?
seen from OUTSIDE, swolen anterior triangle ofneck
what should we do if we see parapharyngeal absess
I don’t know, its super serious, refer?
what should we do if we see a retropharyngeal abscess
refer to ER, medical emergency, including airway complcations.
whhat is retropharyngeal abscess
infection of deep space in neck., infection spreads from nose ,ears, sinus etc.
SSX or retropharyngeal abscess
pain, sore throat, pain on swallowing, jaw stiffness, lump in throat, chills, fever,
chronic irritatio nof pharynx causes what
what is velopharyngeal insufficiency?
incomplete closure of sphincter between oro an nasal pharyns, inpaired speech andeating.
what is the most common malignancy in the pharynx?
what does pharynx malignancy look like
mass in neck, pain by abnormal throat sticking, tumor is red smooth and can look similar to erythoplakia
what is hoarsness
structural changes to vocal cords that impair ability to vibrate.
why would child be horse
vocal abuse
laryngitis is what
hoarse voice or loss of voice because of vocal cord irritation.
what can cause laryngitis
infection, inflammation, coughing
what to do with epiglottitis
medical emergency, don?t examine
what is SSX of epiglottitis
fever, difficulty swallowing ,drooling, appers very ill and anxious.
who does epiglottitis mostly effect
2-5 yo
DXX for epiglottitis
group, peritonsilar abscess, retropharyngeal absess.
how would you know it was eppiglottitis not peritonsilar absess?
peritonsilar is after tonsilitis, rare in infants, droolin in eppi
how would you know it was epiglottitis not retropharangeal absess?
sore thhroat, jaw stiffness, for retropharangeal, still super serious!
vocal cord polyp
horseness, vocal abuse, allergies, irritants diagnosed by visualization and biopsy
what causes vocal cord contact ulcers
gastric reflux
what is the most common cancer in head and neck?
layrngeal scc
Lump in necks in kids?
tonsilitis, TB, brachial cysts
lump in adult necks
inflamatory or neoplastic nodules.