Week 2- The Accounting Equation & Financial Statements Flashcards
What is an asset?
A present economic resource controlled by an entity as a result of past events.
What is an economic resource?
A right that has the potential to produce economic benefits
Describe a current asset and give examples
- Held for short term (less than a year)
- Used as part of normal business cycle
- Inventory, trade receivables, cash
Describe a non-current asset and give examples
- Held for long term operations (more than a year)
- May be tangible, intangible, or investments
- Property, plant and equipment, fixtures and fittings, patents and trademarks
What is a liability?
A present obligation of the entity to transfer an economic resource as a result of past events
Describe a current liability and give examples
- Due in the short term (less than a year)
- Obligation cannot be avoided
- Trade and other payables, tax due
Describe a non-current liability and give examples
- Due in the long term (more than a year)
- Obligation cannot be avoided
- Loan, long term provisions
What is equity?
The residual interest in the assets of the entity after deducting all its liabilities (Assets - Liabilities = Equity)
What are the three components of equity?
- Share capital
- Share premium
- Retained earnings
- (this applies to limited companies and plcs, sole traders and unincorporated entitles have a capital account)
What is the accounting equation?
The total sum of assets - the total sum of liabilities = equity
What are the three main financial statements?
- Income statement (profit & loss account)
- Statement of financial position (balance sheet)
- Cash flow statement
Describe income statements
- Provide an insight into a company’s trading activities
- Compares the income generated from trading with the costs associated with earning that income, the difference being the profit or loss for the year
How do you calculate the cost of goods sold?
Cost of goods sold = opening inventory + purchases - closing inventory
How do you calculate gross profit?
Gross profit = sales - cost of goods sold
How do you calculate profit/(loss)?
Profit/(loss) = sales - cost of goods sold - expenses
What do statements of financial position consist of?
- A list of everything owned by the business at the year end (assets)
- A list of the various sources of finance used to fund these acquisitions (liabilities & equity)
Why do statements of financial position always balance?
Because they are based on the accounting equation
What do cash flow statements show?
Company’s cash inflows and outflows for the year