Week 2- Severe fever and fatigue Flashcards
D.Y. is a 53-year-old male who presents with a 5 day Hx of severe fatigue and high temperatures. He lives in Cairns (returned from PNG 3 days back).
Take a history of this patient.
HPC: • Cough (dry) and sore throat. • Headache. • Fever and night sweats. • Extreme fatigue (run over by truck). • Muscle and joint pains. • Returned from PNG 3 days (symptoms present for 5 days). • Temp 39.5˚C little relief with paracetamol. • Has not taken malaria prophylaxis. • Had flu shot in April.
• How long have you had high temperatures?
• Alleviating factors?
• Exacerbating factors?
• Constant or intermittent? How long does it last?
• Severity? i.e. maximum temperature.
• Associated symptoms? i.e. cough/sputum, sore throat, myalgia, arthralgia, headache, rash.
• Effect on lifestyle?
• Fatigue - onset? Alleviating or exacerbating factors? Timing and severity?
- Recent travel or illness?
- Contact with sick people?
- Recent operations or medical procedures?
- Antimalarial prophylaxis and recommended travel vaccines?
- Overseas - duration, activities?
- Have you had shivers and shakes (rigors)?
- Weight loss, night sweats, haemoptysis?
• Past history of arboviral/tropical disease?
• Any medical conditions?
• Any recent surgeries or medical procedures?
• Past surgeries?
• Any regular medications?
• Agent, reaction, treatment?
• E.g. Fluvax, pneumococcal?
• Family history of any medical questions?
SHx: • Background? • Occupation? • Education? • Religion? • Living arrangements? • Smoking? • Nutrition? • Alcohol/recreational drugs? • Physical activity?
Systems Review:
• General - weight change, chills, night sweats?
• CVS - chest pain, palpitations, orthopnoea/PND?
• RS - dyspnoea, cough, sputum?
• GI - vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain?
• UG - dysuria, urine output?
• CNS - headaches, nausea?
• MSK - painful or stiff joints, muscle aches or rash?
Perform a physical exam on the patient
- Introduction, explanation, consent, wash hands.
- General inspection: consciousness/orientation, distressed, anxious, malaise, dyspnoeic, cough, cyanosis.
3. Vital signs: • HR - may be tachycardic. • RR - may be tachypnoeic. • BP • Temp - may be febrile.
- Hands:
• Warm/cool, dry/sweaty.
• Pallor, peripheral cyanosis.
• CRT. - Face:
• Eyes - conjunctival pallor, conjunctivitis.
• Nose - discharge/deformity.
• Mouth - peripheral/central cyanosis. - Neck:
• Cervical/axillary lymph nodes. - Chest:
• Inspection - shape/symmetry, scarring/deformity, chest expansion.
• Palpation - chest expansion, vocal fremitus, chest wall tenderness.
• Percussion
• Auscultation - bronchial breath sounds, reduced intensity, crackles. Vocal resonance. - Legs:
• Temperature.
• CRT.
• Peripheral pulses. - CVS/GI:
• Auscultation.
• Hepatosplenomegaly.
What are your provisional and differential diagnosis
Provisional diagnosis: Influenza with a chest infection. • DDx: - Malaria. - Dengue. - RRV. - TB. - Typhoid. - Atypical pneumonia.
What are your IX
FBC (anaemia, thrombocytopenia), U+Es (renal failure).
• Serology.
• Culture (nasopharyngeal swab).
• PCR.
• Thick and thin blood film.
• Rapid antigen test.
• CXR, Mantoux test, Ziehl-Neelsen stain (acid fast bacilli).
What tx is required
• Fluids.
• Analgesia e.g. paracetamol.
• Anti-virals e.g. Oseltamivir, zanamivir.