Week 2 - Pre Search Planning & House Search Flashcards
What is Pre Search Planning?
This is basically everything you can do before going on scene.
What is the overall suggested methodology for an LDF examination?
- Pre Search Planning
- On site observation and analysis
- Implementing data capture procedures
- Securing the data dapture for authentication purposes
- Compile an audit trail of decisions and actions
Pre Search Planning. What do you need to do?
- Obtain detailed info about the type of investigation (e.g. type of crime, who is involved - group or indiv, what info or evidence has already been obtained and established, where is the scene).
- What does the lead investigator hope to achieve? ASK questions.
Discuss necessity for LDF
‘W’ Questions for Pre-Search Planning
All the W questions
-What offence?
What are we looking for?
Where is the search taking place?
What kind of location is it?
What do we expect to find (type of devices / numbers etc)?
Which tools / equipment do we need?
When to do the serach?
How are we getting there?
How are we going to conduct the search?
Who will be there (suspects witnesses etc)?
Who is coming on the search?
Who is in charge of what?
The search will be successfull if….
Search Location Questions for Pre Search Planning
- Physical / electronic surveillance? Guards or live monitoring
-Home or business environment?
-Type of business (e.g macs more likely in a creative environment, linux more likely in others) - CCTV?
-WLAN? How are internet connections established - Access to an ISP?
- Layout & location plans
- Open source intel - street view etc.
Equipment Preparation
- What tools are you going to use & contingencies
- prepare the media USB, laptop etc
- Use verifiable sterile ‘clean’ storage media
- Test tools & the storage devices
- Prepare back up plans where possible for equipment failure
Defining the Scope of the Investigation
Define generic data that is always required in different type of investigation / incident beforehand. This will form the basis of your plan / methodology
E.g CSAE investigations will be different to a malware investigation.
For each type of investigation ask:
- what must be checkedd before shutting down the system
- what volatile information is usually required
- what volatile information isusually nice to have.
Defining the scope allows the LDF investigator to generally know what info is most desired in certain situations.
The investigator’s methodology & tool selection is directly related to the result of the scope - no one toolkit is suitable for every type of investigation.
What 4 major connsiderations should every LDF methodology be based around?
- Order of volatility
- Perform least evasive actions first
- Gather the most valuable data first
- Document everything
remember you are doping these parallel to each other, while you are respecting the order of volatility you are performing the least evasive actions first and gathering the most valuable data first AND documenting everything - considering all at same time
After the 4 major considerations have been established then what should the LDF Investigator consider next?
- Type of device - mobile devive, tablet, server, desktop etc (also hardware and software)
- How the device will be accessed i.e
Local Host
Remote Host
Remote Server
Local Host
- where the LDF investigator is interacting directly with the suspect’s OS, device & peripherals
- where the LDF investigator is connecting media for storage & tools directly to the suspect device.
Therefore causing more changes to the suspect’s system.
May require less authetication depending on system & policies.
Easiest for LDF investigator
Remote Host
- Where the LDF investigator has access to a suspect device remotely over some for of network connection
- The LDF investigator can transfer data from the remote suspect device & store it in some sort of repositary on the network.
Must have administrative access to the remote suspect device
May change the suspect system less than the local host method, because only a driver is loaded in memory rather than a disk physically connected
Fairly easy to set up & use depending on network
Remote Server
Where a remote server exists and is accessible from the suspect device
- storage media used by the LDF investigator is remote possibly reducing changes to the system.
- flexibiliity of using local host tools when needed
- may require less authetication depending on policy
- This methodology means you are going to change data on other devices such as routers, IDS etc. This is because you are connecting externally to a network and log files on the router will be changed and you may flag an IDS.
- most complicated to set up
After you have your methodology and scope defined then you need a Pre Search Briefing. What should be considered in this briefing?
- ID of storage media (what are they looking for, what do they look like, also scanning for wifi devices)
- containment & securing the electronic environment
- searches of persons present & seizure of items found
- complete questionaire to document everything they have done.
- what procedure will be adopted for live systems.
- what equipment is available
- who will carry it out
Considerations on a domestic premises (house search)
Safety is key
It may be messy & dirty
It may be a crime scene with blood and other contaminants
- cuts from metalic parts of devices
- electric shocks
- weapons disguised as mobile devices (guns / taser)
- drugs traces
- explosive devices / booby traps
- live animals
What are seizable devices in terms of LDF?
- mobile devices
- tablets
- desktops / laptops
- IOT devices
- games consoles
- smart TVs
- cameras
- external storage devices (may be encrypted)
- hidden or tiny USB devives
- wifi harddisks (hard to detect - they are wireless storage - portable storage devices that connect wirelessly so can be accessed by multiple devices simultateously over wifi network)
- portable media players
- printers / copiers / scanners
What are the key elements of a successful search?
Plan, prepare quipment, question investigator.
Choose right moment - do we want suspect physically using the device with it open in siitu or do we want them away?
Have a systematic strategy (left to right or in quadrants etc). Take your time & don’t forget anything
Film, photograph, make notes, draw maps etc.
Collect any documentation / post it notes etc - passwords!
Take notes, ask questions
Create time stamped audit trail / contemp notes of live actions
Preserve evidence from non specialist contamination
from suspect contamination
from future tampering
During house searches what are the main differences between LDF & traditional computer forensics
- In LDF you will get more info from the RAM or directly from running systems
- will need specialist sofware and tools / equipment & a plan on scene
- won’t pull the plug directly
- LDF has a greater impact on the suspect device and potentially on evdidence (because you are interacting with the system)
Respect basic forensic procedures / principles & identify running systems (identifying running systems is not always easy!)
House search - while on site prior to conducting any LDF you must consider:
- Is LDF necessary?
- What specific data is necessary?
- How will LDF affect the suspect device? What will be changed?
Some changes that are made while conducting LDF:
Consider Locard’s principle.
- When interacting with a system or device you are changing that system. Running a program changes memory -processes already in that memory may be written to page files therefore overwriting data already on page files.
-2 computers communicating on a network will be exchanging info about each other
- Evidence dynamics. These are changes that occur to a system even while not in use. A system may overwrite suspect traces through it’s normal operation without any user interaction. e.g. anti virus programs running will change and may delete files.
- Consider remote access by the suspect or other users making intentional or unintentional changes or wiping
Summary of key steps on scene (while searching the scene) at LDF Investigation
- Preserve evidence (from the suspect & others - prevent access to power sources as well as devices)
- Identify all running systems
- Identify all network connectionns
- Preserve / capture live data
- Pull the plug (if you want to maintain power use UPS to get to lab)
- Preserve static data back at lab
- Label & protect evidence / ensure chain of custody
- Ask questioins at the scene
Identifying & Assessing Hardware Profile
- Need internet access (your own not suspect’s)
- Record all makes & models
- Check for external connection points of usb, firewire, check for network (activity lights) etc
- Wifi connections, may be hardware or software buttons. Activity lights may or may not be flashing. No light does not mean no activity in all cases. There may be network traffic even if no light visible
- Where possible remove side casing & examine the internal structure, make / model of HDDs SSDs.
Record and photograph everything!
Conduct open source research on all makes / models and equipment.
Dell computers for example have a service tag.Use their website to get original specifications.
Research the HDDs / SSDs - may ID who disk encryption.
Keep detailed notes of your research as it may help justify the necessity for LDF and on which devices
How to detect WiFi Connections on Scene
Use tools like:
Netstumbler (for windows)
Kismet (for Linux)
Kismac (for OS)
Mobile apps - many exist.
Preferable to use one of these specialist tool over internal wifi scanners of your operating system because your OS will not pick up hidden access points with hidden SSIDs. Also somewhere with multiple access points all with the same SSID will likely only show as one on your operating system.
Once you have established the necessity for LDF you need to identify & Assess the Software Profile
Need access to the system. This is easy if the device was in use when you take control of it.
If not you may need to identify a user of the device & ask for passwords for access. Control this YOU enter it not them!
Sometimes just the screen is switched off but device appears off.
If computer has a locked screensaver there are devices that can overcome this susch as specialist USB devices for windows machines
Keeping the system ‘alive’ & running to allow LDF
Need to keep the system ‘alive’.
View the power management of the device - make sure it won’t go to ‘sleep’ mode. Look at any scheduled changes / updates / power down
Can use a mouse jiggler if required to prevent screen saver
If power is low on a device, make sure it is connected to a power supply asap.
Observe / examine system thoroughly what is visible on the screen - look to see what is installed, look for ‘active’ content / connections
Making decisions on what to aquire
Need to justify what you decide to acquire & in what order
Likely data includes:
- RAM & system state
- Active user content
- Encrypted data
- network storage
The exact order will be case dependent BUT
remember order of volatility, capture most valuable evidence first
Also consider if the device is connected to the internet or a network will you disconnect it? If in a professional environment then advised to leave on.
But what if illegal content is in the process of being uploaded / downloaded?
What if one of your procedures fails, can you do it again?
Your decisions will be limited by how much preparation you did.
How to preserve the evidence
- Preserve from the suspect (both remotely and in person)
- Label & tag
- Secure electronic captured data. Secure & verified
- protect magnetic media from magnetic fields
- use tamper evident packaging