Week 2: Physical examination for spinal conditions Flashcards
What are the aims of physical examination?
- confirm diagnosis
- understand how postures, mvmt and func. activities influence symptoms
- determine most appropriate Rx
- Identify outcomes for reassessment
What is the purpose of AM’s in physical exam?
- reproduce and start to understand Pt.’s pain
- relationship of forces to symptoms
- directional patterns
- protective m.
- measure ROM/pain limitation
What are the ROM norms. in the lumbar spine?
- Flex.: 52deg.
- Ext.: 16deg.
- S/flex.: 18deg
- Rot.: 5deg.
–> lots of indv. variation
What are ROM norms. for cervical spine?
- Felx.: 45-50deg. (C0-C1 - 14deg.)
- Ext.: 85deg. (C0-C2 - 20deg.)
- S/flex.: 20-45deg.
What are ROM norms. for thoracic spine?
- Flex.: 20-45deg.
- Ext.: 25-45deg.
- S/flex.: 20-45*
What are the different types of stressful tests (further exploration)?
- OP
- Combine mvmts
- Sustain mvmts
- Repeated mvmts
When would you use a stressful procedure?
When AM’s alone do not reproduce Pt.’s symptoms
Why reproduce substantial extent of symptoms in non-irritable Pt.’s?
- Provide better re-assessment finding
- Further info. on relationship between forces and symptoms
- Information about possible Rx progressions
What are the 2 parts of combined mvmts?
- Primary mvmt: AM which most closely reproduces Pt.’s symptoms
- Secondary mvmt: any remaining mvmts which reproduce Pt.’s symptoms
What are the indications for a neuro. exam?
- Pain in deratomal distribution
- Pain radiating past the buttock
- Altered sensation in UL or LL
- Pain in the extremities that may be related to a L/sp or C/sp condition
What is a dermatome?
Area of skin supplied by a single spinal segment
What is a myotome?
Mm. supplied by a single spinal segment
What are the implications of a +ve neuro for Ax and Rx?
- Can’t do a PAIVM in Ax
* Rx more focused on increasing size of IV foramen
How would you test for CNS conditions?
- clonus
* Babinski reflex
What is the purpose of palpation?
To provide info. about tissue status and confirm diagnosis