WEEK 2 Intro to Arta Flashcards
comes from the Aryan root word AR which means to put together
Latin word ___ which means skills/ability
-came from the humanus meaning refined, cultured and human.
- are expressions of man’s feelings ans thoughts
-The art that was found in the cave of Altamira, Spain
-These paintings were purportes to belong to UPPRT PALEIOLITHIC AGE
The Galloping Wild Boar
He had the sharpest foresight when he discussed in the Symposium that beauty, the object of any love, truly progresses.
The word “art” comes from the ancient Latin, ARS which means a
“craft or specialized form of skill, like carpentry or blacksmithing or surgery “.
Latin word ARS which means
came from the Latin word humanus
Humanities came from the
Latin word humanus meaning
refined, cultured, and human
are expressions of
man’s feelings and thoughts
did not have any conceived notion of art in the same way that we do now. To them, art only meant using the bare hands to produce something that will be useful to one’s day-
to-day life.
The Ancient World
came to mean something different. It meant “any special
form of book-learning, such as grammar or logic, magic, or
Medieval Latin Ars
the word reacquired a meaning that was inherent in its ancient form of craft. Their activities merely as craftsmanship, devoid of a whole lot of intonations that are attached to the word now.
During the Renaissance Period
when the problem and idea of aesthetics, the study of beauty, began to unfold distinctly from the notion of technical workmanship, which was the original conception of the word “art”.
Seventeenth century art
when the word has evolved to distinguish between the fine arts and the useful arts. The fine arts would come to mean “not delicate or highly skilled in arts, but “beautiful arts”. This is something more akin to what is now considered art.
Eighteenth century
Importance of HUMANITIES
-Man need an image of himself
-Understading of his natures
-Necessary for the development of a complete, social man
-Provides man with a measure of his own passion and desire
-Regulate man’s behaviour
Art derived form Latin word “ars” meaning ability or skills
defined by
J.v Estolas
Art is product of man’s need to express himself
Defined by
F. Zulueta
Art is what brings life in harmony with the beauty of the world
Art is an attitude of spirit, a state of mind on which demands for its own satisfaction and fulfilling, a shaping of matter to new and more significant form
Defined by
John Dewey
Is usually anything that is represented in the artwork. It wamy be a person object, scene or event.
Subject of Art
Artwork that depict something easily recognized by most people are called
Representational or Obejective arts
-graphic arts
-theater arts
Artworks that have no resemblance to any real subject are called
Non-representational or Non-objective arts
Division of the Arts
-Combined/performing arts
-Visual arts
-Auditory arts
arts that are primarily seen, occupies space
heard, timed arts; exist in time
combines visual & auditory elements
Combined/performing arts
paintings, sculptures and architectures
Visual arts
music and poetry
Auditory arts
drama & theatre, dancing, cinema & TV, opera
- Create beauty
- Provide decoration
- Reveal truth
- Immortalize
- Express religious values
- Record and commemorate
experience - Create order & harmony