Describe the glial cells.
*Support neurons – functionally, mechanically and metabolically
*10x more glial cells than neurons
*Surround both the neuronal cell bodies, which are often larger than the glial cells, and the processes of axons and dendrites occupying the spaces between neurons.
State the 5 types of glial cells in the CNS and their functions.
1.Microglia: Engulf and destroy microbes and cellular debris; function as small macrophages.
2.Oligodendrocytes: Myelin production, electrical insulation.
3.Ependymal cells: Aid in CSF production.
-Line the ventricle of the brain and central canal of the spinal cord.
4.Astrocyte: Form the BBB., Support neurons, Replicate to occupy spaces of dying neurons
5.Satellite cells: Structural and metabolic support of th neurons.
How are Schwaan cells different from the oligodendrocytes?
*Found in the CNS
*1 oligodendrocyte myelinates up to 60 neurons.
*Derivative of the neuroepithelial cells.
*Found in the PNS
*1 Schwaan cell myelinates 1 neuron at a time.
*Derivative of the neural crest
What does white matter contain?
Axons and myelin producing oligodendrocytes
Very few neuronal cell, astrocytes and microglia are present.
What does the cell body contain?
Neuronal cell bodies, dendrites, unmyelinated potions of axons, astrocytes and microglial cell
The peripheral nerves consist of a lot of nerve fibers forming a bundle.
What is this bundle called?
Describe the following in relation to the fascicle.
1.Endoneurium covers the axon, innermost layer around each nerve fiber.
*Perineurium covers each fascicle
*Epineurium is the outermost dense connective tissue covering the bundles of fascicles and spaces between nerve fibers.