Week 2 - Evolutionary Flashcards
What is creationism?
The belief that God had created different species as they appear today and that each species was immutable, with unchangeable and fixed characteristics
What is Darwins evolutionary theory?
Proposes that species can change over time and that new species come from pre-existing species
Can environmental pressures threaten the survival of species?
Yes it can.
What are examples of environmental pressures that can threaten the survival of species?
New predators - difficulty accessing resources
Climate/Environmental changes - limit the availability of resources
What is natural selection?
A process where organisms evolve and adapt to the environment by means of selective reproduction
Is natural selection random?
Will the genetic makeup of the next generation be the same?
No, it will be different because only the best genes will be passed on to the next generation
T/F. Evaluation is an adaptation to the environment.
Is evaluation a force that pushes species towards increasing levels of complexity and refinement?
No it is not
What does ‘atavistics’ mean?
Recurrence in an organism of a trait or character typical of an ancestral form and usually due to genetic e.g pointed canine teeth to tear things apart
What is Cesare Lombroso’s Theory?
Draws on the idea that criminals are a subspecies ‘homo delinquents’ who had failed to become civilised like homosapiens which explains criminal behaviour
Who introduced the idea of ‘Hereditary units’ - which is now known as genes?
Gregor Mendel
T/F. Genes contain the genetic code to make the trait we see in people e.g eye colour, skin colour ect
How many strands of DNA does one cell contain?
One single stands is made up of millions of…
Nucleotides come in 4 different types and these are known as?
A, C, T, G
Offspring are not made up of replicas of the gene passed on from their parents. T/F
False the are made up of replicas
Do species carry their evolutionary history in their genetic make-up?
Yes they do
Genetic mutations are not the basis of evolution. T/F
False, they are the basis of evolution
From a ……. perspective, all social behaviour has the ultimate aim of ensuring an organism’s genes are passed onto the next generation.
What are the two social behaviours that are cross-species and have relevance to criminology?
- Altrurism
- Parental investment
Kin Selection
Reciprocal altruism
What is the prisoners dilemma?
the conflict of doing what is best for yourself as an individual and considering the group and what might be best for the group