Week 2: Customer Deviance during services Flashcards
What is DCB? (Harris and Reynolds, 2004)
“Actions by customers who intentionally or unintentionally, overtly or covertly, act in a manner that in some way, disrupts otherwise functional service” (Harris and Reynolds, 2004)
What is Jaycustomer? (Lovelock et al ,2009)
Ones who act in a thoughtless or abusive way, causing problem for the film, its employee and other customers (Lovelock et al, 2009)
What are eight form of DCB? (Harris and Reynolds, 2004)
- Compensation letter writers
- Undesirable customer
- Property abusers
- Service workers
- Verbal abusers
- Vindictive customers
- Physical abusers
- Sexual predators
What types of effects are there on employees? (Harris and Reynolds, 2004)
・Long-term psychological consequences
・Short-term emotional effects
・Behavioural consequences
・Physical consequences
What types of consequences are there on customers? (Harris and Reynolds, 2004)
・Domino effect
・Spoilt consumption effects
What types of consequences are there on organisation? (Harris and Reynolds, 2004)
・Indirect financial consequences
・Direct financial costs
What are main drivers of DCB? (Reynolds and Harris, 2009)
・Personality traits and predispositions
・Disaffection with service
What are customer deviance prevention strategies? (Fombelle et al, 2020)
What are the modern form added by Fombelle (2020)?
・Digital service piracy
・Anti-firm communities, word of mouth