Week 2 - Central bank independence Flashcards
What causes the SR Phillips curve to shift up?
- Workers INCREASE WAGE DEMANDS to maintain real wages, to make up for higher cost of living.
- Firms’ labour cost increase, hence respond by pushing up prices to maintain profit margins, thus inflation increases
- SR Phillips curve shift upwards
Time inconsistency
Time inconsistency of monetary policy & electoral incentives
Long term objectives are incompatible with short term temptation
- Governments understand that a low inflation policy is in the long term interests of society
- but they cannot stick to it due to their short term ELECTORAL incentives
- Govt pressures the central bank to reduce interest rates to STIMULATE AGGREGATE DEMAND & OUTPUT in the short term, -> faster real growth & lower unemployment…
- …at the cost of HIGHER INFLATION in the LONG TERM (inevitable trade-off)
What is the only way for unemployment to fall?
Through an inflation SURPRISE
ie. when workers’ inflation expectations were low but suddenly inflation increased // if actual inflation deviates from expected inflation
Adaptive expectations
- Workers are slow to adjust to changes in inflation
- but in the LR, expectations fully adjust and catch up with reality
{hence inf exp remain low when unemployment falls & gov wins the election}
Overall, why is society worse off from the pre-election boom?
Because the economy is stuck in a high inflation equilibrium (govt’s inability to control inflation)
Inflation bias
- Public realised that gov was PERPETUALLY TEMPTED to inflate the economy.
- responded by raising inf exp b/c didn’t trust gov and knew they will be caught by an inflation surprise and real wages will be eroded - So, Infl exp & inflation ratcheted permanently higher, so inflation itself is permanently higher ← inflation bias.
Benefit of central bank independence - monetary policy is out of governmental control
- Central bank has no temptation to increase inflation b/c unaffected by short run electoral concerns
- so, commitment to low inflation becomes CREDIBLE {-> no more inflation bias}
Main problem of central bank independence
- Gov has accountability for economic mismanagement b/c can be punished by throwing out of gov (govts are accountable to the electorate)
- Need to create incentives for central bank to control inflation/manage economy well, thus COMBINE CB independence w/ an EXPLICIT INFLATION TARGET to make the Governor accountable for their actions.
- If fail to meet target consistently, the Governor is punished usually.
eg. contract termination in NZ, open letter in the UK if miss target by >1 percentage point in either direction - Even in countries which don’t impose explicit penalties, there will be lost reputation/prestige from missing the target badly
2 benefits of inflation targeting
- Increases TRANSPARENCY, helps public to ‘ANCHOR’ INFLATION EXPECTATIONS (in the face of a supply shock)
- A temporary increase in inflation does not become permanent
^avoids a WAGE PRICE SPIRAL & get a self-fulfilling equilibrium,
ie. if ppl believe inflation will go down, it will. if believe will go up, will go up. - Anchoring means that the central bank can control inflation W/O actually increasing INTEREST RATES
- the credible threat of raising rates is enough to maintain inf exp
+ Output & Employment stability are not a problem w/ DEMAND shocks due to the DIVINE COINCIDENCE
Cost of inflation targetting
Lack of flexibility in dealing w/ SUPPLY SHOCKS
- With a supply shock the central bank faces an inevitable trade-off between inflation & output stabilisation
(Output and inflation move in opposite directions.)
Bonus mark: A more flexible inflation targeting framework could achieve similar benefits to the dual mandate,
eg. specifying a range for inflation outcomes
A negative supply shock causes STAGFLATION. What is stagflation?
Inflation + recession
Inflation nutter vs Unemployment nutter
*Divine coincidence does NOT apply for supply shocks.
Inflation nutter, eg. Bank of England
- Must increase interest rates, engineer MONETARY CONTRACTION, AD curve shifts to left and return to inf target at point C.
- Exacerbates OUTPUT & employment FLUCTUATION, severe RECESSION
Unemployment nutter
- Only cares about reducing unemp to natural rate, does not care about inflation.
- Monetary accommodation of the supply shock.
- Exacerbates surge in INFLATION problem
Dual mandate + its key benefit
Dual objectives of the US Fed - achieve both…
1. Price stability &
2. maximum employment
(inflation & output stability)
» Flexibility in the face of SUPPLY SHOCKS
No surging inflation, no huge recession. Located in the median between 2 extremes
AD curve shifts to the right, but not as much as with unemp nutter. Moves B → E
Moves to point D, increase in inflation.
Taylor Rule
The Fed’s conduct of monetary policy is described by the Taylor Rule - INTEREST RATES should increase by 1/2% for each…
1. 1% increase in INFLATION above target
2. 1% increase in OUTPUT above the natural rate
2 cons of a dual mandate…
…that the authors (Bernanke and Mishkin, 1997) recommend moving instead to a formal inflation targeting regime (allows transparency)
- Decrease TRANSPARENCY of the monetary policy framework
- Suppose inflation is rising & the Fed cuts interest rates,
i) public doesn’t know if it’s for the ACCOMMODATION of SUPPLY SHOCK or
ii) is the Fed inflating the economy due to POLITICAL PRESSURE
- Hence might UNDERMINE ANCHORING of inflation expectations
- & create harmful financial and economic uncertainty - The Fed’s current approach also RELIES heavily on a SINGLE INDIVIDUAL’S preferences for low inflation, but what happens when a new Governor takes over?