elevated blood pressure (140/90 or more on 2 different days)
BP equation
Management of Hypertension
- aerobic training (slow + low intensity) and high frequency and low duration.
- medication e.g ACE inhibitors
How many adults 65 + years old have high BP
> 50%
Coronary Heart Disease
Atherosclerosis –> rupture or build up of plaque causing a blood clot and occlusion of the coronary arteries
How many deaths are CHD related
1/3 >35 years old, 50% of cases = death
Management of CHD
- Anti-anginal medications
- Emergency procedures (CABG/stents)
- Exercise after surgery within 8-12 weeks –> inc arteriovenous network and dec peripheral resistance.
Management of Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD)
- inc exercise capacity + blood flow
GOAL: inc arterial blood flow + inc claudication pain distance or max walking distance
Peripheral Vascular Disease
build up of plaque deposits which dec arterial diameter
- can cause ischemic pain (due to dec in O2)
Physical Tests
ECG - P wave (depolarisation of atria), QRS complex (depol ventricles), T wave (repol ventricles)
Different assessment modalities e.g treadmill, bicycle ergometer
1) Bruce - younger people (higher progression rate)
2) Naughton/Balke Ware - less functional people (slower progressions/increments)
ECG common diagnosis
ST segment depression = cardiac ischemia
Prolonged QT interval = replolarisation abnormality + ventricular arrhythmia’s
Prolonged QRS complex = abnormal conduction velocity/bundle branch block