week 2: bilaminar disk and embryo annexes Flashcards
factors affecting successful implantation
- 25% morphology
- 25% kinetics
- 50% genetics
immunogenic dilemma
- systematic immunocompetence and protection vs. uterine immunotolerance
- symbiosis between semi-allogenic individuals
- how fetus avoids immune rejection remains paradox
factors preventing host-versus-graft rejection
- fetal and maternal cells are physically separated from one another
- embryo is antigenically immature: poor MHC molecules expression
- maternal immune system is locally immunosuppressed
- extracellular vesicles and microRNAs
chorionic gonadotropines
- major role in LOCAL suppression
- hCG produced by trophoblast suppress the immune reactions of maternal WBCs
- embryo produced immunisuppressors
- additional molecules
proliferation of trophoblast
- stimulated by interaction with uterine mucosa
- decidua: endometrium in pregnant woman
- implantation occurs on the side of embryonic plate
- trophoblast differentiates while invading the endometrium into syncytio-trophoblast and cyto-trophoblast in implanting blastocyst of 6 days
additional differentiation of ICM in blastocyst
- epiblast: cylindrical epithelium like tissue
- and hypoblast: flat epithelium like tissue
- bilaminar disk
prechordal plate
- not all cells of hypoblast are equal
- a thickening of endoderm at the cranial end of primitive streak
- origin of rostral cranial mesoderm
two cavities formed in the second week
- amniotic cavity
- yolk sac
primitive amniotic cavity
- by 8 days the amniotic cavity has appeared within the epiblast
- epiblast cells differentiate into amnioblasts that line cavity and form amniotic membrane
day 9 and primary yolk sac
- by 9 days the embryo is completely implanted
- hypoblast cells proliferate and migrate out over cytotrophoblast to form Heuser’s membrane around yolk sac and extraembryonic mesoderm
- trophoblastic lacunae appear in syncytiotrophoblast which now completely surrounds embryo
- point of implantation is marked by a transient coagulation plug in endometrial surface
formation of extraembryonic mesoderm
- day 10-11: space between Heuser’s membrane and the cytotrophoblast fills with loosely associated extraembryonic mesodermal cells
- 11-12: mesoderm expands between amnion and cytotrophoblast also
- forms between embryo and yolc sac in CTB
- initially continuous layer then spaces appear causing separation into two
- splanchnopleuric (visceral) and somatopleuric (parietal) mesoderm
- splanchno around yolk sac and embryo
- somato lining the cytotrophoblast
which tissue forms extra-embryonic mesoderm
- from hypoblast/contribution from trophoblast in humans
extra-embryonic cavity
- squeezes the yolk sac
- chorionic cavity:
- ex-e coelom and medoserm
secondary yolk sac
- primary yolk sac breaks up and is reduced to a collection of vesicles at the abemrbyionic end of the chorionic cavity
- secondary (definitive yolk sac) is formed
trophoblast derivatives
- syncytiotrophoblast erodes the endometrium, forms lacunae
- cytotrophoblast provides additional cells to syncy
- fill with maternal blood
- within a few days, as syncy erodes uterine vessels
- finger like projections of syncy covering a core of cyto project into blood filled regions: primary villi: most form on the embryonic pole
- 12 days
- embryo now susceptible to infections
membranes functions
- mechanical protection and hydration: amnion
- nutrition and vascularisation: yolk sac (umbilical cord + hemopoiesis + PGC)
- waste disposal: allantois: ambilical cord ligament
- delimitation and respiration: chorion: fetal part of placenta
development of amnion
- amniotic fluid (water/liquor amnii) protects embryo
- 25 ml at 10wks to 400ml at 20wks
- contains electrolytes, proteins, carbs, phospholipids, urea…
trophoblast and the embryo at the end of w2
- 2 germ layers
- 2 cavities
- 2 out of 3 embryo annexes: yolk sac, chorion (placenta) and yet to come the allantois
- the amnion
- the extra-embryonic cavity will be taken over by embryo and amnion
yolk sac development
- ultimately yolk sac is incorporated into umbilical cord
- hosts primitive angiogenesis: primitive cardiovascular system
- yolk sac mesenchyme cells - blood islands - central and peripheral cells
- central to primitive blood cell - blood cell
- peri to endothelial cell - vessels
- endothelial tubes of intra and extraembryo are connected by connective body stalk
- yolk sac hosts information of the PGC
development of allantois
- waste disposal
- allantoid is initially a canal that drains the urinary bladder of fetus that runs within umbilical cord
- contributes to the formation of umbilical cord vessels
- provides ligaments and vessels to UC
- support: postnatal remnant of allantois: converted to a fibrous structure: the umbilical ligament supporting the bladder
early trophoblast (placental development)
- uteroplacental circulatory system begins 11-13 days: cytotrophoblast cells proliferate budding into overlaying syncy:
- formation of the primary chorionic stem villi occurs
- extraembryonic mesoderm penetrates core transforming them to secondary chorionic stem villi
- at end of W3 villous mesoderm forms blood vessels establishing uteroplacental circulaion
- villi w blood vessels are tertiary
tertiary villi
- vessels greatly increase efficiency
- mean diffusivity is higher in uterine wall than placenta: high levels of perfusion in maternal vessels
amniochorionic membrane
- at 12 weeks the chorion laeve (smooth chorion) fuses with the decidua parietalis compressed by the amnios and getting poorly vasculorised
- expansion of amnion: fusion with smooth chorion: amniochorionic membrane: ruptures before birth
- The maternal cotyledons, or lobes, of the placenta are on the maternal side of the surface
- Each cotyledon is a perfusion chamber partly or wholly separated from adjacent chambers by a wall of connective tissue, which may be lined by trophoblast cells
cotyledon development
- 4-5 months
- decidual septa outgrow into intervillous spaces without reaching the chorionic plate
- as a result placeneta is divided into compartments: cotyledons
functions of the placenta
- gas exchange
- nutrient and electrolyte exchange
- transmission of maternal antibodies
- hormone production: progesterone, oestrogen, hCG, somatotropin
- made up by embryonic chorion frondosum (villous chorion) and maternal decidua basilis
- maternal and fetal tissues form two closely bound units
- chorionic plate consists of the amnion, extra-embryonic mesoderm, cytotrophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast
- decidua basalis contains uterine vessels and glands
cellular bases of placental barrier
- barrier formed by the endothelium of fetal capillaries, connective tissue, trophoblasts
- permeable to many viruses, bacteria and teratogens
spontaneous twinning
- monozygotic (3-4/1000)
- dipolyzygotic (7-11/1000 increasing w maternal age
- only 29% women pregnant w twins give birth
- 10-20% die at birth
- 12% premature infants are twins