Week 2 - Behavioural Psychology Flashcards
Can you learn behaviour?
Behaviour is learnt. Individual differences in behaviour is the result of different learning experiences.
What are the different types of learning?
Classical Conditioning
Instrumental Conditioning (Operant Conditioning)
Statistical learning / contingency learning
What are the key components to Classical Conditioning?
Unconditioned Stimulus
Unconditioned Response
Conditioned Stimulus
Conditioned Response
What is the Unconditioned Stimulus ?
- Meaning. This object has meaning to the individual
- Biologically significant event
- E.g Food
What is the Unconditioned Response?
- This is the natural response in the individual
- Response to the US
- E.g. salivation to food
What is the conditioned Stimulus?
- No meaning. This object initial means nothing to the individual.
- Previously neutral stimulus that acquires a response by being paired with the UCS
- E.g. Bell
What is the conditioned response?
- This is the response that will be created in the individual
- Response to the CS
- E.g. salivation to bell
What type of learning is classical conditioning?
stimulus - outcome learning
What is simultaneous conditioning?
When a conditioned stimulus happens at exactly the same time as the unconditioned stimulus. They are together. This has the most impact
What is delay conditioning?
Conditioned stimulus is followed immediately by the unconditioned stimulus
What is trace conditioning?
delay, unconditioned stimulus
What is generalisation?
This is when the conditioned response is generalised to similar stimuli
Describe Watson and Rayner’s (1920) experiment
Little Albert – classically conditioned to fear white rats. White rats were presented with a loud noise that promoted a scared/shocked reaction. This prompted little albert to be scared of rats. This fear was generalised to other conditions, such as Santa’s white bear, as small fluffy white objects were similar to the initial rat he was made to be scared off.
Explain the components of Watson and Rayner’s (1920) experiment
Conditioned Stimulus = rat
Unconditioned stimulus = loud noise
Unconditioned response = fear to loud noise
Conditioned response = fear to rat
Generalisation = fear to other white fury objects
Describe Cohen Kadosh (2015) experiment
- Teenagers were asked to complete a task on a computer screen
- A lady appeared on the screen randomly,
- She screamed sometimes very loudly that caused a shock
- Predictable scream condition: the lady appeared with a scream every time
- Unpredictable scream condition: the lady and the scream appeared but not together
- Through the fear of the scream, the participants learnt to become fearful of the lady
Note that in the experiment, the conditioned stimuli does not come before the unconditioned stimuli – this is not a good predictor