Week 2 - Accounting Concepts, Qualitative Characteristics and the accounting equation Flashcards
Accounting concepts
Basic assumptions that underlie the accounts
Accounting standards
Technical rules that give guidance on how transactions should be accounted for
Going concern concept
Assume the business will continue operating into the foreseeable future
All statements are prepared on this basis
Allows everything to be valued at historical cost (use net realisable value if business is unlikely to continue operating)
Accruals concept
Transactions are recognised in the accounts when they take place, not when cash is received/paid
Historical cost concept
Amounts in accounts are recorded at the original cost when the transaction took place
Fair value concept
Change the value of assets/liabilities etc based on the value today, not when acquired
Money measurement concept
only items which have a monetary value are included in the accounts
Business entity concept
the business exists separately to its ownerss
Time period/periodicity concept
The life of the entity can be divided into specific periods to allows for preparation of financial statements
Qualitative characteristics
Aspects of financial information which make it useful to users and of high quality
FUNDAMENTAL qualitative characteristic
Capable of making a difference in the decisions made by users
It needs PREDICTIVE VALUE (can be used to make predictions) and CONFIRMATORY VALUE (can provide feedback about previous decisions)
Materiality concept
Links to relevance
Only information which can make a difference to decision making should be included in the accounts, this depends on the size of the business
Faithful representation
FUNDAMENTAL qualitative characteristic
Faithful representation of financial information
COMPLETENESS - statements must provide all information a user needs to understand the event
NEUTRALITY - no bias in the selection or presentation of info
FREE FROM ERROR - no errors or omissions in info
ENHANCING qualitative characteristic
information is available to users in time to be of use to make decisions
ENHANCING qualitative characteristic
information is consistently reported to allow comparisons over time and between statements