Week 2 Flashcards
carriers of genetic information
contain both proteins and nucleic acids
Griffith and Avery experiments
S bacteria: fatal to mouse, infectivity killed by heat
R bacteria: not fatal
smooth (S) bacteria contain something not destroyed by heat, can be passed on to R bacteria so that they kill and pass on
conclusion: molecule that carries heritable information is dna
Hershey and Chase
virus: consists of both dna and proteins
labeled dna with 32P, proteins with 35S
infected bacteria contain 32P but not 35S
Chargaff’s rules
dna, not proteins, is heritable material
A:T and G:C ratio always 1
A/T:G/C ratio variable from species to species
Franklin and Wilkens, Watson and Crick
showed dna is double helix (X-ray crystallography)
built model of structure of dna
nucleus of cell
the design and management center of the cell
stores dna
production site of the cell, makes proteins
messenger rna, used to transmit information from the nucleus to the cytoplasm
transfer dna, adaptors from 4 base dna code to 20 amino acid protein code
make proteins using mRNA as template, amino acids as building blocks
large, complex molecules consisting of both proteins and rRNA
central dogma
Francis Crick, 1958
dna, rna, and proteins are linear, sequential polymers
each position in sequence is drawn from fixed alphabet (nucleotides for dna, rna—4, and amino acids for proteins—20)
flow of primary sequence information: conversion between alphabets (translation)
no way to convert protein alphabet back to nucleic acid
transcription from dna to rna, then translation from rna to protein
gene expression
regulation of this determines if cell is liver, muscle, nerve
levels vary from cell to cell in same organism, at times in development, and with outside signals
RNA polymerases
enzymes that carry out transcription
synthesis of rna from 5’ to 3’
signals on dna that tell rna polymerases where to start/stop (subject to regulation)
defines where transcription should begin
rna poly. binding site
then coding region
have no nucleus
single cellular (but may join together)
can live in diverse temps
can grow and evolve quickly
have nucleus
are multicellular
have other intracellular organelles (some of which are thought to have evolved from invading bacteria—mitochondria, chloroplasts)
prokaryotic genes
minimal gene
promoter—binding site for rna polymerase
ribosome binding site (initiate protein synthesis in mRNA)
coding sequence—encodes protein synthesis
transcriptional terminator—stop mRNA synthesis
often multiple protein coding regions controlled by single promoter (operon)
-polycistronic: more than one protein encoded in single mRNA molecule