Week 2 Flashcards
Transmission line pipe material?
Coated steel pipe.
Heavier, more expensive and less available than methane, used in rural areas.
A compressor station keeps the gas moving along forward along the pipeline.
A regulator restricts the flow of pressure to a standard level.
Use of valves?
To sectionalize, divert and segregate natural gas.
Gate station?
Connects transmission lines to utility pipelines.
Buoyancy control?
Methods of making sure pipes don’t float in water.
Most common cause of pipe damage?
Mechanical damage 44%
Someone digging it up without calling 811
Migration pattern?
The path that leaking gas takes after leaving a line.
The process of tracing the gas leak to the source.
PASS (fire extinguisher)
High-consequence areas (HCAs)
Highly populated areas that contain a high number of people on a regular basis.
Class 1 leak
Immediate attention!
80 LEL or greater
Class 2 leak
Will become a hazard if not repaired
20-79% LEL
Class 3
A non hazard and not expected to become one
20% LEL or lower
Buried depth #s
Normal = 18-24 inches
Railroad/road crossing/ ditch = 36 inches
Body of water = 48 inches