Week 2 Flashcards
In basic what is corporate governance?
The system and process to how a company is run and controlled, a process which is essentially how they distribute power to shareholders
When did corporate governance first come into play?
In the 1992 Cadbury report
What is the small basic corporate governance ladder of power?
Shareholders, board of directors who oversee the managers and management who run daily operations
Corporate governance balances the interests of company stakeholders, why is this NOT true?
Tricky Micky question, cricket mate it was a trick. Corporate governance wants to balance all of its stakeholders
Just give me the two corporate governance theories without an explanation?
STOCG (Stewardship theory of corporate governance)
AT (Agency theory)
What is STOCG?
Managers are stewards who look after assets, ensure that they are used effectively and are ready to be passed onto their successor.
What is AT?
Agency theory argues that managers are agents of shareholders and should be contracted as such, the managers and shareholders interests should be in line with one another (They should be contracted by share beliefs with shareholders)
In basic what is a stakeholder?
Someone who is neither a shareholder or creditor but can take claim on cash flow
What is the problem with management goals particularly between managers and shareholders?
Managers want to increase their wealth and power whereas shareholders want managers to increase the value of the company
What are the two types of agency theory?
Type 1 (Relationship between manager and shareholder) where manager wants self wealth and power whereas shareholder wants managers to max company value
Type 2 (Majority shareholders vs minority investors) where most of the shareholders make a decision which negatively impacts the minority group of shareholders
What are agency costs?
The price is cost to solve problematic agency relationships
What is type 1 agency cost with an example
Direct cost: Corporate expenditure is used for a manager to benefit from a private plane at cost of shareholders
Indirect cost: Corporate expenditure to monitor the managers use of the plane
Whats an example of type 2 agency costs?
A majority shareholder can request a large dividend because he requires the cash which obviously doesnt help minority investors
What are the main areas of international corporate governance? (4)
Investor protection, control mechanisms, corporate governance systems, financial systems
What does civil law, common law and religious law deal with?
Civil law deals with damage to another party
Common law is derived from the judicial system and regulators
Religious law is the ethics and moral codes taught by religions