Week 2 Flashcards
How is an ensamble average computed?
What is the Metropolis(-Hastings) algorithm?
In an Ising model without interactions, what are the two main outcomes?
What is the partition function in a model without interaction? (Ising model)
What is the free energy in a Ising model without interaction? What is the free energy per spin?
In an Ising model with no external field, when does sponaneos magnatization occur? (but spins do interact with each other)
What is the master equation?
What is the detailed balance equation?
What is the idea of spontaneous magnetization?
What is the magnetization per spin?
What is phase control in the Ising model?
What is a 1D Ising model?
What is the partition function of the 1D Ising model?
What is the average magnetization? (1D Ising)
What is the spin-spin correlation function?
What is the formula for susceptibility?
What is the Fluctuation-dissipation theorem?