Week 2 Flashcards
Topic 2: Empirical Challenges to EMH
How is the reversal effect evidence against the EMH?
- Contradicts semi-strong form of EMH.
- De Bondt & Thaler found portfolios of prior ‘losers’ outperform prior ‘winners’ in long-term based on past excess returns.
- Implies that extreme movements in stock prices followed by subsequent price movements in opposite direction (the more extreme initial price movement, greater the subsequent adjustment) –> contradicts theory of immediate price adjustment to all available info –> predictable patterns in price movements that can be exploited by investors to earn excess returns i.e. buying ‘losers’ & selling ‘winners’ –> in contrast to semi-strong form of EMH which states that excess returns can only be gained from taking on higher risk as explained by CAPM.
How is the momentum effect evidence against the EMH?
- Contradicts semi-strong form of EMH.
- Jegadeesh & Titman found that stocks performing well in the past outperform stocks performing poorly in past in short-term based on past excess returns –> i.e. tendency of assets that have performed well in the past to continue performing well, & assets that have performed poorly to continue performing poorly, for a certain period –> contradicts theory of immediate price adjustment to all available info –> predictable patterns in price movements that can be exploited by investors to earn excess returns i.e. buying ‘winners’ & selling ‘losers’ –> in contrast to semi-strong form of EMH which states that excess returns can only be gained from taking on higher risk as explained by CAPM.
How is the size effect evidence against the EMH?
- Contradicts semi-strong form of EMH.
- Banz (1981) found that small firms on average have significantly higher risk-adjusted returns than large firms.
- Firm size, which is publicly available information, helps to predict returns –> in contrast to semi-strong form of EMH which states that excess returns =0, & profits can only be generated by being fairly compensated for holding systematic risk in mkt as explained by CAPM.
How is the value effect evidence against the EMH?
- Contradicts semi-strong form of EMH.
- Lakonishok et al. & Fama & French found that ‘expensive’/’growth’ firms w high mkt-to-book ratios earned sharply lower returns than ‘cheap’/’value’ firms w low mkt-to-book ratios.
- Firm value, which is publicly available information, helps to predict returns –> in contrast to semi-strong form EMH which states that all past relevant info re returns is already incorporated into stock prices & so mkt-to-book ratio cannot be used to predict future returns –> EMH also states excess returns =0, & profits can only be generated by being fairly compensated for holding systematic risk in mkt as explained by CAPM.
How is post-earnings-announcement drift (PEAD) evidence against the EMH?
- Contradicts semi-strong form of EMH.
- Rendleman Jr et al. investigated PEAD –> stock prices of firms tend to drift in same direction as their earnings surprises following earnings announcements –> finds large proportion of PEAD adjustment course over 90-day period after earnings announcement.
- Some excess returns already exist before earnings announcement —> potential info leakage –> i.e. contradicting strong form of EMH.
- PEAD contradicts EMH by showing that prices do not react quickly to info –> after several weeks (even several months), there is still continued drift in prices –> factors other than systematic risk explain price drift so cannot be fully accounted for by CAPM.
How is reaction to non-information evidence against the EMH?
- Contradicts semi-strong form of EMH.
- Shleifer & Wurgler & Zhuravskaya found that stocks newly included into the S&P 500 index have earned positive abnormal returns at annoucement of inclusion.
*Inclusion into Index unlikely to convey any info about firm, but generates substantial demand for firm’s shares via index funds so stock prices increase.
- Contradicts EMH by showing that prices react to non-info i.e. unrelated to intrinsic firm value but react to changes in demand.
What is the joint hypothesis problem?
- Mkt efficiency tests are often joint tests of EMH & asset pricing model e.g. CAPM which measures abnormal returns after risk adjustment.
- Existence of anomalies could be attributed to lack of market efficiency or misspecification of pricing model or both.
How does Neoclassical Finance explain EMH anomalies?
- By adding additional systematic risk factors to CAPM –> e.g. Fama-French three-factor model or Carhartt four-factor model.
How does Behavioural Finance explain EMH anomalies?
- By relaxing investor rationality assumption –> e.g. heuristics, overconfidence in beliefs & prospect theory, ambiguity aversion in preferences.
What are the 6 pieces of evidence against the EMH?
1) Reversal Effect –> De Bondt & Thaler.
2) Momentum Effect –> Jegadeesh & Titman.
3) Size Effect –> Banz.
4) Value Effect –> Lakonishok et al.; Fama & French.
5) PEAD –> Rendleman Jr et al.
6) Reaction to non-information –> Shleifer ; Wurgler & Zhuravskaya