Week 2 Flashcards
why do organisms die?
Organisms face fundamental trade-offs in their use of energy and time
Changes in life history are caused by changes in the allocation of energy
aka aging is a late life decline in an individual’s fertility and probability of survival. Age reduces an individual’s fitness
- Aging should be opposed by natural selection
rate of living theory of aging
Aging is a function of metabolic rate
An accumulation of irreparable damage to cells and tissues
They have reached the limit of repair
Telomeres are the reason we cannot keep replicating cells
Many populations harbour genetic variation for longer lives but this has not evolved - having a longer life might be a trade off against something else
rate of living theory of aging assumptions
Bc cell and tissue damage is the by product of metabolism, aging rate should be correlated with metabolic rate
Organisms have been selected to resist and repair damage to maximum extent possible so species should not be able to evolve longer lives when subjected to selection
evolutionary theory of aging
Under evolutionary theory of senescence the failure to completely repair damage is caused by either deleterious mutations or trade-offs between repair and reproduction
Mutation accumulation hypothesis - fail to repair damage and succumb to mutations
Natural selection is weak in late life (already reproduced before mutations kill them so not selected against) so alleles that cause aging are only mildly deleterious. They may persist in mutation-selection balance or rise to high frequency by drift
Trade-offs and aging: the antagonistic pleiotropy hypothesis - because natural selection is weaker in later life alleles that enhance early life reproduction may be favoured even if they also hasten death
Researchers have documented trade-offs between reproduction early in life and longevity
In populations where mortality rates are high, individuals tend to more heavily invest in early reproduction
an evolutionary explanation for menopause
Menopause could be a nonadaptive artefact of modern lifestyle
Or it could be a life-history adaptation associated with the contribution grandmother’s make to feeding their grandchildren
how many offspring should an individual produce a year?
The more offspring, the less time and resources can be invested into raising them
As clutch size increases, chance of survival of offspring increases until it decreases again - tradeoff between number of offspring and ability to raise them
how big should offspring be?
Trade-offs between size and number of offspring
Larger offspring can have a better chance of survival
Many low-quality offspring or few high-quality offspring
Selection on parents favours a compromise but selection on offspring favours high quantity
conflict between mates: genomic imprinting
When different males father offspring within the same litter or clutch the reproductive interests of the father and the mother conflict
Genomic imprinting occurs when male and female alleles contain distinct chemical markers and transcribed differently
physiological conflict between mates: sexual coevolution
When mates are not monogamous the life-history strategy that is optimal for one sex may be suboptimal for the other
how do life histories maintain genetic variation?
life-history traits are closely correlated with fitness and have relatively low heritabilities
semelparous vs iteroparous
Semelparous: reproduce once and die
Iteroparous: have at least three reproductive episodes before dying
life history and invasive species
Life histories of one species that is benign in its natural habitat can be incredibly invasive when introduced into new areas
life history and extinction
Life history also is involved in macro-evolution and the threat of extinction
trade-offs and constraints
It is impossible to build a perfect organism
Organismal design reflects a compromise among competing demands
Resources devoted to one body part or function may be resources stolen from another part or function
Traits or behaviours that would appear to be adaptive may be physiologically or mechanically problematic
Populations sometimes lack the genetic variation that would provide the raw material to evolve particular adaptations