Week 2 Flashcards
When are the average ages of menopause; Premature ovarian insufficiency and early menopause?
Respectively: 51, 40, 40-44
Define perimenopause
the period of time between development of menopausal symptoms and the menopause (one year after the last period) (usually years)
Is there management of perimenopause?
For perimenopause, we treat symptoms not hormone levels. Even if blood results are tested and normal we still try HRT
When do we test hormone levels in perimenopause?
In women between 40-45
In women >45 with atypical symptoms
Women aged >50 on hormonal contraception who want to stop it before 55
What are contraindications of HRT?
History of breast or endometrial cancer, unexplained vaginal bleeding, active liver disease, CHD, TIA or stroke
What types of HRT are given in women with hysterectomies or mirena coil
Estrogen only HRT
What types of HRT are given in women without hysterectomies or a mirena coil
Estrogen and progesterone
When can you stop contraceptives in a woman of 50-54?
One year after the last natural menstrual period
What is the mechanism of action of the copper coil for emergency contraception
prevention of implantation
What is the MoA of levonorgesterel and Ulipiristal Acetate
Delay Ovulation
How effective are Levonorgesterel and Ulipristal Acetate
In what situations would Levonorgesterel given over Ulipristal Acetate
When hormonal contraception has been used in the proceeding week or is planned on being used in the following week
How long should additional contraception be used for when CHC or POP is started, out with, the first 5 days of your period
7 days after CHC or traditional POP and 2 days after POP with desonestregel
What is the management for gonorrhoea?
Ceftriaxone 1G IM given as 2 injections, 1 in each butt cheek simultaneously, if antibiotic sensitivities ciprofloxacin 500mg orally
Describe the 4 classifications of FGM
Type 1: Clitirodectomy +/- prepuce
Type 2: partial/total removal of the clitoris and the labia minora +/- labia majora
Type 3: narrowing the vaginal orifice by creating a covering seal
Type 4: all other harmful procedures to the female genitalia for non-medical purposes
What bacteria causes syphilis?
spirochete bacterium Treponema pallidum
What is the MoA of Sayana Press/Depo Provera?
It lowers oestradiol and suppresses FSH
Which STI is caused by a protozoa and can cause strawberry cervix?
Trichomoniasis caused by trichomonas vaginalis
What is the management of candidiasis aka thrush?
clotrimazole 500mg pessary or fluconazole 150mg stat + clotrimazole 1% cream for external symptoms
How do you drain excess fluid in the pouch of Douglas?
via a needle placed through the posterior fornix of the vagina
Where does the ovarian artery originate?
The abdominal aorta
Where does the uterine artery originate from?
Internal iliac
Where does the vaginal artery originate from?
It is a branch of the uterine artery
What types of herpes most commonly causes genital herpes?
Type 1: probably because of condomless oral sex
What is the management of Syphilis?
Single dose of Benzathene penicillin IM Injection
Which STI is most likely to cause a rash on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet
What is the window for Post-exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) against HIV?
72 hours
What is the management of PCP?
High dose Co-trimoxazole +/- steroid
When is prophylaxis for PCP given and what is given?
Co-trimoxazole given when a person with HIV’s CD4 count goes <200