Week 2 Flashcards
What is a research strategy?
Refers to the general approach used to address the goals of the research study
Name 5 research strategies
Descriptive, experimental, correlational, quasi-experimental, non-experimental
What is the descriptive research strategy
This is the only one that focuses on individual variables that exist naturally. The goal is to understand the current state of things for a group of individuals. Eg The census
What is the correlational research strategy
Used for research questions that are on l interested in identifying if an association exists between two variables. Can be measured with numerical scales.
What is the experimental research strategy
Used to explore the cause and effect relationship between two variables
What are the four characteristics of an experimental research strategy
Manipulation, measurement, comparison, control
What is the quasi-experimental research strategy
Attempt to limit confounding variables and control threats to internal validity
What is the non-experimental research strategy
Make little to no attempt to limit confounding variables and control threats
What is an example of a between groups design
Each participant could test a single car rental site and book a car only on that site
What is an example of a within groups design
Each participant could test both car rental sites and book a car on each
What is validity
The extent to which inferences/conclusions are accurare
What is face validity
The extent to which items measure what they are intended to measure
What is content validity
refers to the extent to which a measure represents all facets of a given construct. For example, a depression scale may lack content validity if it only assesses the affective dimension of depression but fails to take into account the behavioral dimension.
What is criterion validity
Criterion validity is a measure of effectiveness
What is internal validity
the extent to which the experiment controls the effects of exteraneous variables and is implemented with quality